San Angelo Police Seek Silver Toyota Driver Who Hit Pedestrian


The San Angelo Police are looking for a driver involved in a vehicle versus pedestrian crash that occurred yesterday morning in the 1800 block of Knickerbocker Road.

At approximately 8:00 a.m., July 15, a silver Toyota passenger car traveling westbound on Knickerbocker Road struck a 19-year-old female who was attempting to cross Knickerbocker Road (south to north) at Commerce Street.

After the collision, the driver of the silver Toyota, described as a Hispanic female, stopped to render aid to the victim but the victim advised the driver that she was not injured and told the driver she could leave.

Police need to speak with the driver as a formality.  No criminal charges are pending and this is not considered a hit and run.

If you are the driver or know the driver, please contact Officer Steven Quade at 325-657-4253

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bebop, Wed, 07/16/2014 - 12:55
first: ridiculous comment, it's helpful to have all info when someone is being sought for questioning -- car type/color/year, person gender/size/ethnicity. second: people in this town need to develop brains and NOT CROSS KNICKERBOCKER AT HIGH TRAFFIC TIMES or frankly, any other time, if they think they can "beat" a car. I've had people dash out in front of my vehicle numerous times, making me swerve. What is wrong with the collective intelligence of this town? Walking, barely-functional morons, causing others to react. ENOUGH!
Joe Blow, I don't believe they are looking for the pedestrian. Maybe that is why they did not give the "Nationality" of her. By the way they did not describe the nationality of the Driver. They gave the ethnicity. Do you think there is a country called Hispanic? Are you trying to say her ethnicity is being used to disparage her? Or maybe the police are trying to give as much of a description as possible to find her and they thought trying to say we are looking for a carbon based life form operating mechanical device for travel would have been to vague.
I know what you are getting it, but in this case, it doesn't matter. The person is unknown; therefore, the ethnicity is being used as an identifying feature.
You are correct Nina and San Angelo! However, if you were aware of the rather humorous thread previously discussed regarding Four Japanese Cars, you would appreciate my sarcasm. I understand the clear distinction between ethnicity and nationality, which is why I find it amusing they are included in many of the news items on this site. If nationality or ethnicity contribute to a story (as Nina points out), then the value may be worthy. If not, then why point it out? I can also be considered a particular nationality and ethnicity, but can you guess which one? Does it matter? Does it provide more depth into my comments? For a nation that is so "tolerant" and "blind" to segregation, racism and labels, we sure use them a lot! And now for a recipe...aptly entitled, "Melting Pot Cheese Fondue". Bon appétit! Ingredients 4 ozs beer 1 tsp chopped garlic 3 mustard powder (shakes) 8 ozs cheese (cheddar, colby, monterrey jack all work well) pepper (to taste) 4 worcestershire sauce (shakes) (Source:;
Joe Blow, Seems to me the only people that try to find some issue with the use of race, religion, nationality or ethnicity are the people that should be looking at them self in the mirror and ask why they have any hostility when any of the items listed before are mentioned.
jdgt, Wed, 07/16/2014 - 14:16
If this had happened in Mexico, would they still describe the driver as Hispanic? *giggle*
I concur. I'm certainly not trying to flame, troll, or kick a dead horse. I just really enjoy providing options to for thought, if you will!
Nina, you mention in your comment that people should develop brains? you pose a interesting concept. We can develop muscles by exercise and we develop healthy eating habits by discipline of saying no to certain foods. How would one develop a brain? Perhaps by using our brain, developed or not, to learn when and how to instill logic into our everyday activities would be a simpler task than actually developing a brain. Nina, you also mention one should not cross Knickerbocker in high traffic periods, or any other times. Your statement leads me to believe one should never cross Knickerbocker Road on foot. I think crossing Knickerbocker road at 4:45 a.m. is probably a rather easy task, so I have to disagree with your premise that one should never, ever, cross Knickerbocker road. Finally Nina, you also state jay-walkers/pedestrians have come close to putting a scratch on your front bumper numerous times causing you to swerve. I must say in my experience, I can't recall more than once, if even that, a pedestrian dashing out in front of my car. You should maybe just slow down a bit and not try to beat that yellow light:-)

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