Sudden Death Cause of Morning Crash


A 62-year-old San Angelo man, Stephen Marx, died this morning of natural causes while traveling north on Koenigheim, San Angelo Police Department Public Information Officer Brian Robinson reports. 

As a result of his death, Marx's vehicle drifted to the right side of the street, hit a curb and then skidded across all lanes of traffic to the west side of the street. Marx was taken to the hospital by ambulance immediately after the wreck, however during the investigation officers learned that he had passed away while driving. The specific cause of death has not been released.

No other vehicles were involved in the car crash this morning, however Bryant was cut off at Concho St. and detoured for the better part of an hour. 

Next of kin has been notified.

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jdgt, Fri, 07/11/2014 - 08:00
the need to identify what brand of vehicle is caused in accidents?
Seems a little drastic to close all the lanes just to take care of a one vehicle accident. Call wrecker and clear it out, no other cars involved so move along. What's the difference between this 1 car incident and a speeder being pulled over in the same spot, do you need to stop all lanes of traffic for the speeder?
that the passing of another human interrupted your path. Maybe this incident wasn't just like a pulled over speeder?
I think its rather crude that a man died and you people just gripe about minor traffic problems or some other petty complaint! Get a real life and show a little class and respect. I know it'll be hard for some of you - but try!!! A man died, I am saddened!

Knuckles Malone and all comments before his were made on the original story before it was updated to reflect new information. At that time, word of Marx' death had not yet been released.

Apparently, "someone" has a problem with Japanese vehicles, as evidenced by their immediate protests in the Comments sections. Don't be a hater, Grumpy Cat.
jdgt, Fri, 07/11/2014 - 17:05
No problem with it... just find it odd that this is the second story "detailing" the make of vehicle.

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