Why San Angelo LIVE! Writes what San Angelo LIVE! Writes


SAN ANGELO, TX – San Angelo Live! is routinely criticized or praised for its attention grabbing headlines and a lot of the criticism is that the headlines are click bait or over sensationalized or even racist. 

San Angelo Live! has also been criticized for using slang terms for marijuana such as weed, reefer, and the one which garners the most criticism, the Devil's Lettuce.  The fact is that search engines like Google flag the word marijuana which hides the article from you so we use a list of terms straight from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to avoid being flagged by Google.

We’ve actually started linking to the unclassified DEA report in the Booking Report.

Also, our sources on indictments are verified. They are the arresting agencies so of course, feel free to continue to comment “everything in this article is a lie!”.

We understand, you feel targeted, we “put you on blast”, "why are you posting my business", etc.... Indictments and affidavits are 100% public record and we are a news outlet. It’s our job to report on crimes, opening businesses, and other events or affairs that occur in the area.

Why do you post about things that don’t happen in San Angelo? 

If there’s a missing child in Abilene, we’re going to let you know about it. If there is a city council man arrested for lewd images on his computer in Lubbock, it’s quite possible that someone moved here from Lubbock or has family in Lubbock.

It’s our job to bring you news and to provide timely accurate information to our readers. 


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The LIVE! Daily is the "newspaper to your email" for San Angelo. Each content-packed edition has weather, the popular Top of the Email opinion and rumor mill column, news around the state of Texas, news around west Texas, the latest news stories from San Angelo LIVE!, events, and the most recent obituaries. The bottom of the email contains the most recent rants and comments. The LIVE! daily is emailed 5 days per week. On Sundays, subscribers receive the West Texas Real Estate LIVE! email.


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CGM5, Wed, 06/02/2021 - 16:31

Interesting about using pot nicknames to stop search engines from flagging. As far as stories that don't happen in San Angelo, I don't care, I haven't lived in San Angelo for 15 years. I live in the Austin area (liberal nest of Texas). I don't bother reading the papers they have here. The media here is so biased, they aren't news sources they are agenda sources.               KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

San Angelo Live-love your reports even though at times it has not been accurate.  Things do change after investigations or initial reports which you obtain. But what happens when events are not reported by law enforcement etc.? San Angelo Live is then unable to let their audience know what happened. For example, an indictment found on the Tom Green Cty website under records search which is public record, under the name of Oral Kevin Thorp.  He killed a man on HWY 67.  No articles on that news, why?  Sounds shady - my opinion.  Hope San Angelo Live can shed some light on that.  

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