Toddler Viciously Killed In Dog Attack


QUINLAN, TX — A 23-month-old child was killed in a vicious dog attack on Monday.

According to KTXS, no one in the child’s family noticed when the toddler left an enclosed yard. The toddler then walked a short distance along a gravel road and was attacked by a dog. The child was then found in the road and died after being transported to the hospital.

The dog was described s being a pit bull or pit bull mix and is currently being held at an animal control shelter.

No charges have been filed and the investigation is still ongoing.

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What is wrong with people. Let a dangerous dog run loose and kill a child. people are nuts. (but I love my dog) Your pitbull or other aggressive breed needs to be put down. A child is dead because of your irresponsibility. A human child for christs sake. What is wrong with you people?

How classy. Can we make unlicensed pitbull breeding a felony now? How many more kids have to die before ghetto dog breeding crap like this is put to its end? By the way, pitbulls aren't inherently aggressive any more or less than any other dog breed. The problem is backyard breeders who inbreed these poor animals to the point of mental retardation and instability much like what happens to humans for profit and people buy em up. They end up in the shelters where they're put to death. Its cruel. Stop breeding your animals.

Why was a 23 month old left unattended and walking down a roas? And yes the dog should be put down. the hood, is what this story illustrates.

It seems that the most inept and irresponsible human beings tend to be attracted to large, volatile breeds. I'm almost certain that before going out dog shopping, they check their fencing to assure that it's completely in shambles or low enough for the animal to scale.

Three pits came wandering into my yard last week, one decided to shit on my carport while the other two chased one of my cats into a tree. Naturally, my first instinct is to shoot the fucking things, as some old hag took it upon herself to walk outside and scream at me to "stop chooting...joo sonofabeesh!"

Sorry, I have children and small pets. I see vicious dogs in my yard, they're getting shot...or "chot".

So let me get this straight, the guy who laments all others for any type of criminality, especially toward cats, is now telling us all that some lady had to run outside and tell him what everyone in S.A. knows, you can't legally discharge a firearm or pellet gun in the city limits, especially at an animal.

Seems per your description, the dogs just "wandered" right in, sounds like the same carelessness you describe the dog owners being guilty of, referring to the incident on your block.

The situation with this kid dying is tragic and we can point at the various faults that we find, but the answer isn't to set up a kill box for strays that aren't being dealt with as quickly as you like.

Patch up your fence, or not, keep on acting like a criminal and break the law some more, it will only last so long for you before you get caught up too.

wDougL, Thu, 07/02/2020 - 10:47

... to be held accountable for the death of this child. I've had a lot of experience with this breed of dog. Years ago I was a electric utility meter reader for 15 years and encountered every breed of dog you can imagine. Over those 15 years I was never bitten by a pitbull. Now I know what some might say ... they'd say ... " You have never been bitten by a pitbull as a meter reader because you used binoculars to read the meter." Well, that was how we read meters if there was a dog in the yard that acted aggressive but, there were times when you didn't see a dog because he was out of sight and didn't bark ... and there were plenty of times that I would notice after entering the yard and reading the meter that there was in fact a dog in the yard and the breed would be a pitbull. So, if pitbulls are ... as they say ... "aggressive and dangerous " ... why didn't I get attacked or at least why didn't the pitbull bark ?? It all depends on how that pitbull was treated or trained by his owner. I entered yards that I knew there was a pitbull there, and there were many that were as gentle as a lamb and just wanted to play. I also have entered yards with a pitbull that was acting aggressively and I decided to turn around and get out the same way I came in and read the meter with binoculars. Those are the pitbulls that have either been trained to act aggressively or attack any intruders. I said earlier in my comment that over the 15 year span of being a meter reader that I had never been bit by a pitbull... and that's true... but I used my knowledge and experience with dogs of all different breeds to avoid getting into a situation to get bit. Over the 15 years I was bitten 3 times ... and twice by little dogs like the Taco Bell dogs and the third was by a Collie. One of the scariest breeds was Rottweilers! That breed of dog as an adult get even bigger than Pitbulls. I believe it all depends on how the owner treats or trains their dog. If they train it to be aggressive... then it will be aggressive. If the dog is treated meanly and abused then it will also be aggressive, but if it's treated with kind affection and loved and cared for... even a Pitbull breed makes a good pet! The owner of that Pitbull should be held accountable for the actions of his or her dog ... and should not have been out roaming the streets.

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