SAN ANGELO, TX — The City of San Angelo announced Sunday there are no new patients that have tested positive. The testing volume is low. Since Saturday, 16 test were administered. On Saturday, only five COVID-19 tests were administered in the county. As of Sunday, a total of 901 tests have been administered, with 86 pending results.
There are three main methods that are causing the spread of the virus. Community spread is when health care workers suspect the case was caused by contact with someone in San Angelo. The other type of spread is when a person has traveled to another area and returned with the infection, and called "travel related." Other cases include family spread.
Eleven patients in San Angelo were removed from COVID-19 observation over the past week. The City does not term these removals as "recoveries."
The following is a statement from the health department:
"The removal of positive cases from quarantine/isolation is based on guidance from the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and Center for Disease Control (CDC); therefore, the health department will report the number of positive cases that have been removed from isolation in adherence to these guidelines. Because removal from isolation is on a case-by-case basis, a cumulative count will be reported on a weekly basis every Friday.As a local health department, we are under the umbrella of DSHS. When it comes to case management, DSHS does not report on the medical management, recovery or follow-up of patients on any infectious disease. We follow suit. DSHS and the local health department are focused on identification of infectious disease (in this case COVID-19) and the notification of contacts of said case(s), as well as providing and adhering to guidance issued by DSHS or CDC. The health department would also report any deaths associated with the disease. Medical management, follow-up and recovery information of patients are between the individual and their medical provider or physician."Here are the numbers as of Saturday, April 11, at 2 p.m., the latest timeframe reported by the City:
- 901 total
- 86 pending
- 780 negative
- 35 positive
- 23 patients are actively monitored
- 11 released
- 1 death
Here is the summary of the 35 cases of COVID-19 in San Angelo:
- March 24, 2020 - First confirmed case in San Angelo. The patient, a man in his 70s, was at Shannon and recovering. He was said to have traveled internationally prior to contracting COVID-19. The City shut down hair, nail and tattoo parlors and stressed maintaining the 6-foot separation rule.
- March 25, 2020 - The second case was a male in his 20s. Health officials said he was in contact with someone with COVID-19 elsewhere in the state.
- March 27, 2020 - The third case announced Friday was a female in her 30s who had no known contact with a positive case, which means San Angelo public health officials categorized it as the first case of "community" spread.
- March 29, 2020 - The fourth case is related to the woman in her 30s who was ill as reported Friday, March 27. This is a small child in the same family. All family members are isolated, the City said.
- March 29, 2020 - A man in his 30s who is related to the woman in her 30s reported on Friday, March 27. All family members are isolated, the City said.
- March 29, 2020 - The sixth case is a female in her 20s who came into contact with a confirmed positive travel-related case.
- March 31, 2020 - The 7th case is a preteen female. She and her household have been self-isolating since March 24.
- March 31, 2020 - The 8th case is a man in his 50s from out of town who was here for work purposes. He is currently hospitalized in San Angelo.
- March 31, 2020 - The 9th case is a man in his 70s. He is currently hospitalized in San Angelo.
- April 2, 2020 - The 10th case is a male in his 30s who had no known contact with a positive case, categorized as a case of community spread.
- April 3, 2020 - The 11th case is a teenage female, family member of case #7 (preteen female)
- April 3, 2020 - The 12th case is a newborn male, family member of case #7
- April 3, 2020 - The 13th case is a male in his 40s, family member of case #7
- April 3, 2020 - The 14th case is a female in her 40s, family contact with another positive case
- April 3, 2020 - The 15th case is a female in her 20s, family member of case #6 (female in her 20s)
- April 3, 2020 - The 16th case is a female in her 20s with no known contact with a positive case, categorized as a case of community spread.
- April 3, 2020 - The 17th case is a female in her 60s, travel-related case
- April 4, 2020 - The 18th case is not community spread. Female in her 40s.
- April 4, 2020 - The 19th case is not community spread. Female in her 40s.
- April 4, 2020 - The 20th case is not community spread. Female in her 40s.
- April 5, 2020 - The 21st case is a male in his 60s who had exposure to a known case.
- April 6, 2020 - The 22nd case is a preteen females who had exposure to known positive cases.
- April 6, 2020 - The 23rd case is a preteen female who had exposure to a known positive case.
- April 6, 2020 - The 24th case is a male in his 50s who also had exposure to a known positive case.
- April 7, 2020 - The 25th case is a young adult male with no recent travel or contact with positive cases.
- April 9, 2020 - The 26th case is a male in his 60s who had exposure to known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 27th case is a male in his 40s who had exposure to known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 28th case is a teenage male. The patient was exposed to a known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 29th case is a young boy who contracted the virus through community spread.
- April 9, 2020 - The 30th case is a female in her 30s with exposure to a known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 31st case is a preteen female with exposure to known case.
- April 9, 2020 - The 32nd case is a teenage male with exposure to known case.
- April 10, 2020 - The 33rd case is a female in her 60s, classified as community spread.
- April 11, 2020 - the 34th case is a female in her 20s who was infected via community spread
- April 11, 2020 - The 35th case is a female in her 40s who was infected via community spread
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I'm no rocket surgeon, but I'm fairly certain if you refuse to test for cv19, then there wont be any official reports of cv19. Amiright?! Woohoo gotta loveeeee data manipulation.
Shannon would never ever ask someone to return to work at a hospital, after returning from a cv19 hotspot like uhhh New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, etc who showed up for a test because of a fever and sore throat and was declined a test because they didn't fit the criteria! Nooooo they wouldn't do that... right shannon? :)
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Permalink... post a comment because what I have to say is optimistic on this article, but... I see that it may be totally "shot down in flames" by at least one individual on the rant page. Ooh well, what the hey ... here I go! Isn't it great that as for today there are no reports of a positive Covid-19 case, and on Easter Sunday, that's good news I think! So, that's what I wanted to say ... but ... I sure it will be antilized to near death by made several people on this page with supposed facts and figures they spent hours researching on the world wide web to pass on , with percentages and numbers and opinions. I just wanted to say something that gives even a glimmer of hope, but I realize that that glimmer of hope, that little ray of sunshine will most likely be snuffed out by at least one individual that just loves to hear theirselves talk and see their words in print. Sad thing about it is that I feel that not many readers were listening to anything they had to say! Y'all have a good week coming up and stay safe. Adios amigos! :-)
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PermalinkThat sounds like good news but only 5 completed test is not exactly a dependable statistic for over a hundred thousand people.
You whine about some here just wanting to see their words in print. I reply Mirror Mirror
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PermalinkNo new cases because there wasn't anyone working the last few days.
Tomorrow there will a jump.
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Permalink... I would like you to explain that to the cashier and other employees of the stores that were open today, and while you're at it explain that to all the nurses and doctors that most likely worked today and I think there are a few other groups of people like police officers and sheriff department employees that would like to hear your explanation sir! (Notice that "sir" is in lower case) ... Hogwash ... sir! (...geezzz, no body working ... well ... its after midnight... so it would be no body working yesterday... give be a break... :-P )
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Permalink... Ooh really, well I would like to see and hear you tell the cashiers and employees of some of the stores that were open the pass few days conchoman. Go say that to all the nurses and doctors that no one was working the pass few days, and while you are at it, go tell all the police officers that were patrolling the streets... that there was no one working the pass few days, and all the officers and employees at the TGC Sheriffs office... that there wasn't anyone working... the past few days and all the jailers at the TGC Justice center... that there was no one working the past few days. I think you need to go the see a doctor or visit the emergency room... because it sounds like you may need ... an enama... sir!
( On another note, I like and agree with Mr. Rutherford's idea ... can we just go back the reporting traffic accidents? Reading all these comments about percentages and numbers... is about as interesting as ... watching weeds grow the the yard!) :-P :-P
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Permalink... sorry... will j. you have already used up your allotted number of " mirror, mirror " come backs ... will ... ( note I spelled your first name in lower case ... will ... you haven't earned the right or privilege for me to spell your name using an upper case "W" for your name) and thanks for the reminder... I shall partake in one more glass of ...
" wine " since you perceive me as a "whiner"! Wine... in reasonable amounts through out the week .. is heart healthy and good for the soul... so I've been told! Ooh, btw ... will ...
I'm not feeling the love ... will j ! ... you do amuse me ... will ... every time someone gets the better of you ... you quick draw that "mirror,mirror " come back ... guess those nerves of yours are getting damaged quite a bit! Ego maniac!
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