First COVID-19 Death Reported in Abilene as its Case Count Rises to 27


ABILENE, TX — Abilene reported the first death in Taylor County caused by COVID-19. According to the City of Abilene, the death occurred April 4.

The deceased was a woman in her 40s and was a resident of the Disability Resources, Inc (DRI) facility. She had underlying health conditions. She was hospitalized because of COVID-19 symptoms that the City said she likely caught from a previously identified COVID-19 patient at the same facility. She died in the hospital, the City said.

“The City of Abilene extends its deepest sympathies to the family and friends of the deceased patient,” the City of Abilene said in a statement.

The number of COVID-19 positive cases in Abilene increased four since Friday, April 3. On Saturday, April 4, the city reported:

  • Tests conducted: 584
  • Positive Results: 27
  • Negative Results: 299
  • Pending Test Results: 158

DRI is a residential facility that provides care to intellectually challenged adults in a Christian environment located at 3602 N. Clack St. in Abilene.

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So, let's put the proper perspective on the Skyisfalling Virus panic. Abilene has a population of roughly 122,000 folks, so the percentage of infected citizens is .022% and the mortality percentage is .008%. Angelo has roughly 100,000 inhabitants, so the percentages are .02% and 0%. Two cities have been essentially shut down over a .02% infection rate and a practically nil mortality rate. In a word, stupid.

Hey kudos on the math using the wrong numbers. We aren't talking about entire populations. Do the math on the outcome we've had so far. Abilene has 27 cases, which double every 3-4 days (dont bother with the exponential growth aspect of this, you're using mortality rate lol) of those 27, how many have recovered? How many are in critical condition? How many have died? People like you who think we shouldn't have to be locked down are the reason why a bunch of our friends and family are going to die. I implore you, stay tf home.

Two weeks from now, the numbers will be exponentially higher in both SA and Abilene. Remember that the hotbeds of infection have been major cities. It has taken some time to make it's way to rural W. Texas. Now that it is here, and considering how incredibly contagious it is proving to be, I fully expect numbers to spike. The rural hospitals will be overwhelmed much sooner than in the metro areas.
I sincerely hope that I am wrong and will gladly admit it if these two small cities don't suffer higher sickness/ death rates.
To the young ones who think they are immune; you may become infected with the virus and never know it, bring it home to your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, pass the virus on to them without ever knowing it and be burying them a couple of weeks later. Just something to think about......

I would rather err on the side of safety and be called stupid than to ignore the virus, consider it a hoax then catch it and prove stupidity. How about y'all?

Some kind of a nothing berder with the whole world in on the conspiracy!

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