San Angelo Coronavirus COVID-19 Resources


In San Angelo and Tom Green County, because of the spread of coronavirus and COVID-19 illness: 10 or more people may not gather together at the same time in a single confined space. This includes public gatherings, as well as private functions. This restriction applies to restaurants and bars, with the exception of carry-out or delivery services. It also applies to events such as weddings, funerals, parties, sporting events, conferences and religious services.

Local Items

COVID-19 tests done in San Angelo (as of 2 p.m. April 19):

  • 1009 total tests (up 66 from April 15)
  • 63 pending (down 19 from April 15)
  • 906 negative (up 84 from April 15)
  • 41 positive (up 5 from April 15)
  • 20 released from observation (up 9 change from April 15)
  • 1 DSHS monitoring
  • 19 are being actively monitored (down 4 from April 15)
  • 1 death (unchanged)

Here's a collection of informative and useful links related to Novel Coronavirus, aka COVID-19.

Informational Items

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Reese Albert Walmart HEB (not positive on the grocery stores but you know these people aren't quarantined in the slightest. They're only recommended to not leave their house. No punishment, no incentive. They aren't staying home.

ConcoMan - let's do the numbers : San Angelo County Pop: 118.169, grant $388,646. = $3.29 per capita.
Taylor County (Abilene) Pop: 137,640, grant $512,000. = $3.72 per capita. Given Abilene sits on an interstate, increasing their risk considerably, and San Angelo does not - I would say the 57 cents per capita difference is quite reasonable

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