WACO, TX – COVID-19 continues to impact families across the City of Waco. On Tuesday, Waco ISD confirmed Phillip Perry, a middle school principal, had died from complications associated with COVID-19. On Wednesday, the family of a second teacher shared their journey battling the disease.
According to CBS7, 45-year-old David Guel is currently at a hospital in Waco on a ventilator fighting for his life. Guel, a high school teacher, tested positive for the disease six days ago. His wife, Lauren Guel, also tested positive but she is quarantined at home with less severe symptoms.
“It’s evil,” said Lauren in a phone interview with the tv station. “How can you not be with the person that you love the most in the world and no one can come be near me either?”
Guel first began feeling sick on March 19 and decided to visit his doctor after developing a fever of 101. He completed a chest x-ray based on the suggestion of his provider and was told he appeared to have bronchitis. Guel did not qualify for the COVID-19 test because he had no contact with a known positive case or had traveled out of state. He was instructed to return home and monitor his symptoms.
By March 24, both Guel and his wife kept feeling sick and decided to visit the emergency room. Lauren was concerned because her husband was even more at risk as he suffers from liver dysfunction.
"His blood pressure was low and I was worried he had an infection," said Lauren.
Both were tested for coronavirus and chest rays showed Lauren’s lungs were clear, but Guel had developed pneumonia.
Once again Guel was sent home with instructions to “self-monitor” as they waited for the results. The very next night Guel had trouble breathing and his wife called 9-1-1.
Lauren was forced to stay behind while her husband was transported to the hospital. On March 26, they received their positive results.
Guel and his wife had traveled to Austin for a couple’s massage and a dinner a week before David became ill to celebrate her birthday. But Lauren stated she had no idea how they both contracted the virus.
"It's the most unbelievable thing. We were being careful, we thought. Watching the news and following the guidelines. It's surreal," she said.
Guel has been in critical condition in the ICU for the last few days and
according to Lauren he was moved to a Rota Bed that allows nurses to change the position of the patient to “reduce the chance of respiratory complications.” A chest x-ray completed on Tuesday showed Guel's lungs had a slight worsening of the chest inflammation, but doctors hope the new bed will make a difference.
Lauren has been unable to visit her husband and only receives updates from nurses over the phone.
"This is a living nightmare," said Lauren. "The hardest part is I can't be there. I can't be at the hospital. I can't do anything. And no one can be here with me."
Family and friends have come together to help the Guel family in any way they can. Lauren’s mother moved into an RV parked in her daughter’s driveway. Her sister-in-law prayed with her through a garage window.
Lauren stated that even though she has what are considered mild symptoms, she has never felt this sick.
"This isn't the flu. I've never had the flu where it felt like this and this is day 15 for me of symptoms and I haven't needed any type of medical intervention."
She also urges everyone to take the virus seriously and follow social distancing guidelines that are being implemented in communities across the country.
"Stay home. The only way you can guarantee you're not going to get it is to stay home and limit the people to those that live in your household because it is not discriminatory. It will attack anyone."
.... the story the wife gives sounds fishy to me ... because they traveled to Austin for a message and dinner ... she says. Then makes a statement that ...
" she really doesn't know how they contracted the virus." ... that just sounds fishy to me, but ... I guess we just have to take her word for it... that she doesn't know how they contracted the virus... because... well ... we don't personally know them and we weren't there! Just makes me go ... "Hmmm"
Okie dokie then . Strange thing ... indeed!
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Permalink..as this sentence: "Guel and his wife had traveled to Austin for a couple’s massage and a dinner a week before David became ill to celebrate her birthday."
Seems like a strange way to celebrate someone's birthday.
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