Brady Fire Department Mourns Loss of Firefighter


BRADY. TX -- A fire fighter for the Brady Fire Department has passed away. 

According to the Brady Fire Department on July 23 the BFD lost one of their members. 

They are asking for privacy in the matter. 

The department has placed a black band across their badge in honor of the fallen hero. 

More information will be given once available. 


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So what's the big secret about not letting the readers know anything about the deceased fireman and the need for all the privacy ? ? ?

Just a little digging indicates he was a young man found deceased in his home. You connect the dots.... Let them mourn their loss.....

Maybe the family didn't want that information released. Maybe they wanted to do more investigating and will release details later. It's not a cover up. Just manners. There's a lot of deaths posted in the Obits each year. But you don't always see cause of death listed there either.

Well then why dangle a carrot (The headlines of the story) under the noses of the readers and then pull it away if you have no plan on following it up ?...... You either do your job as a reporter where you write a story and then follow up on it, or just keep it totally out of the news..........

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