SAN ANGELO, TX — Last week, the local newspaper aired the concerns of a parent who alleged her son was the subject of continuous bullying at Bradford Elementary. The gist of the piece was San Angelo ISD ignored the parents' concerns and didn't contact the parents of the children the complainant accused of bullying her son. After contacting the San Angelo ISD spokesman who told the paper they could not comment on specific cases, the paper asked School Board President Lanny Layman about the case. Layman told the paper that San Angelo ISD has very a specific protocol for cases like these.
The San Angelo Standard-Times hit piece against the San Angelo ISD juxtaposed the talkative complaining parents against school officials who were barred by law from commenting on an ongoing disciplinary action.
Not all the facts of any specific case could be laid out, but school officials we interviewed did provide us a detailed summary of the procedures and workflow all school district educators and administrators take when addressing bullying.
San Angelo ISD Superintendent Dr. Carl Dethloff and administrators involved in addressing reports of bullying sat down Monday with San Angelo LIVE! to discuss the district’s policies and procedures in light of the newspaper's recent inaccurate report.
Administrators in the San Angelo Independent School District take reports of bullying and cyberbullying seriously and have policies and procedures in place to quickly and completely resolve allegations of bullying.School Districts in Texas follow policies and procedures developed in part at Texas State University’s Texas School Safety Center. The Texas Legislature two years ago passed David’s Law which addresses issues “Relating to harassment, bullying and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and encouraging certain mental health programs for public school students increasing a criminal penalty, providing a civil remedy.”
According to the San Angelo ISD, “Bullying means a single significant act over a pattern of acts by one or more students directed at another student that exploits an imbalance of power and involves engaging in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that satisfies the applicability requirements provided.” Two parts of that definition have to be met: “1. Bullying behavior has occurred that has some effect on the targeted student, or creates an educational environment that is challenging 2. Must also exploit an imbalance of power and interfere with the targeted student’s education or substantially disrupts the school environment.”
Dr. Dethloff said the district cannot comment on individual cases of bullying or cyberbullying because of privacy laws. He did say that an issue was reported during spring break and that issue was immediately addressed by the principal at an elementary school during spring break. Dethloff emphasized that school district employees, principals, and administrators are on duty 24/7 when it relates to safety issues, and bullying can evolve quickly into a school safety concern.
"Bullying can also create an atmosphere in a school where learning is impacted, and our core mission is making sure each and every student is able too learn," Dethloff said.
The San Angelo ISD policy developed by benchmarking David’s Law, “provides for anonymous reporting for students, includes cyberbullying off campus and after school hours, and modifies the parental/guardian notification procedure. It provides flexibility in the disciplinary placement or the expulsion of students engaged in certain types of very serious bullying.”
The San Angelo ISD's policy provides for students to report anonymously via message boxes or to any adult on campus. They also can report any issue to a campus principal who then has a very specific checklist in writing. Each reported incident is investigated rigorously and is documented. There is a seven-page Bullying Investigation Packet which includes a definition of bullying, a checklist for a formal investigations, and parental notification forms that is used by school district personnel.
The policies and procedures to address bullying fall under the management of the superintendent's staff. Last August, the San Angelo ISD initiated program involving seven security initiatives and while bullying isn't specifically mentioned in the seven items, any incident of bullying can escalate to a safety concern, officials said.
Dr. Dethloff says if a parent or guardian is not satisfied with the result of a bullying investigation, there is a grievance procedure. A parent or guardian can appeal a campus level decision to the administration and then onto the school board.
Joe Hyde contributed to this report.
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Listed By: Doctor Ding-bat
And those stupid morons on the school board just thought we the tax payers were going to dig deep and fork over another 120 million dollars to them to frivolously spend. Now I hope the parents of this bullied kid sue SAISD for 120 million dollars and wins their lawsuit !!!!!!!!!!
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PermalinkListed By: Lares Deces
Checklists, seven page packets, haggling over policies and procedures with school administrators....then, if the parents aren't satisfied with being given the runaround, they may sink deeper into the rabbit hole with a "grievance procedure", and further bury their concerns in yet MORE paperwork and meetings with the superfluous, bloated administration all over again.
If some little jackass is harassing your child, take the concerns straight to the parents responsible. Parents who raise troublemakers aren't in the least perturbed with tactful letters from school, or phone calls. What these people DO respond to, is a personal, calm, yet stern confrontation that puts themselves and their brat on notice.
It's simple:
1) my policy -- little asshole junior WILL leave my child alone, lest my child be forced to defend himself.
2) my procedure -- we gather all personally documented incidents of harassment and or/bullying, to take to court, after your idiot kid got what was coming to them.
Every instance of suicide or murder of bullied children has a trail of paperwork, warnings and apathetic school staff behind it.
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PermalinkListed By: Cmdr Darwin
I quickly learned SAISD was pathetic when I first moved here. It hasn’t gotten any better many years later! Apparently, bullying is the only thing learned in school now, because SAISD isn’t turning out educated students. We have a pathetic school board that thinks throwing money at our children will somehow make them learn more. It’s time for more charter schools to open up.
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PermalinkListed By: S n S
The school board isn't throwing money at the kids. They're throwing it at the teachers and especially the bloated administrative staff... Lanny could give two, well, you know the rest.
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And when the bullied kid fights back, he gets sent to Carver for 6 weeks and nothing happens to the bullies because the administration determined it was a 'social conflict,' instead of bullying. As if they can tell the bullied kid how he felt. The policies and procedures set forth by SAISD are a joke, subjective at best, and can be manipulated to protect whoever the school deems most valuable.
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Why aren't parents being held accountable?? Start giving fines for their kids inappropriate behavior and maybe then they'll start to listen! I'm sorry, but changing a classroom isn't going to do much good when the kids will still have some kind of contact. This nonsense starts at home...get off your electronics and teach your kids to have some respect! They don't have to like everyone, but they're complete lack of regard and value of life is a reflection of their upbringing! Thank God my last child graduates this year because the American school system in general has gone to crap! What are administers afraid of? Grow a pair and do something!
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