SAN ANGELO, TX -- (Press Release) Investigators with the San Angelo Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division have obtained an Arrest Warrant for 35-year-old Sergio Eduardo Coyac-Aguilar in connection to the July 2, 2018 Homicide and suspected Arson investigation at the Arden Ridge Apartments.
Coyac-Aguilar, a Mexican National that was working in San Angelo under a false name, is believed to have murdered his co-worker, 59-year-old Miguel Mendez, by beating him to death.
Autopsy results indicate Mendez died from blunt force trauma to the head. Justice of the Peace J.P. McGuire declared the death a homicide due to assault. It is believed that Coyac-Agular set fire to the apartment to conceal the crime scene.
Investigators developed Coyac-Agular as a person of interest during the initial field investigation; however, his positive identification was hindered due to Coyac-Agular’s use of a false name. Through investigation it was learned that Coyac-Agular obtained work in the United States under the guise of falsified permanent residency status and with a fictitious social security card.
It is believed Coyac-Agular fled to Mexico after the murder. If you have information about Coyac-Agular’s whereabouts, please contact the San Angelo Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division at (325) 657-4264. To remain anonymous, tip online at or by text: text TIP SAPD to 888777 and follow the prompts.
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or he could be at old salts house.
- Log in or register to post comments he was here using a ficticious illegally.
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PermalinkWait a second, Big Daddy. You're not supposed to think that. Look over there. There's a valedictorian, and there's an innocent child who was brought here by no fault of her own. Never mind the crimes committed against her by the man falsely claiming to be her father. Those backpacks are full of food and water, not illegal drugs.
I found an extra pair of rose colored glasses in a trash can after the 2016 election. If you'd like a pair, I'll be glad to let you have them.
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PermalinkAll this about a dead Mexican? You Nazis are turning into snowflakes. I searched Fox News, no mention of it there either. Since you have your head far up Murdoch, let him know he is missing a good opportunity for a down payment on the wall.
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PermalinkI thought you liberals liked the idea of people coming here illegally to live the American dream. You just reduced him to being "a dead Mexican". He just came here for a better life, to support his family. He doesn't deserve to be disregarded in the way you uncompassionately described him. Then you sanctimoniously describe others as Nazis. You know Nazis were socialists, don't you. Same as you progressive liberals. Who put you on the judgmental high horse?
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a misapplied or inappropriate name or designation.
an error in naming a person or thing.
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PermalinkIrony indeed if the Mendez was illegal. Original story states he was from Roswell, but no mention of his citizenship.
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PermalinkClearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Nazis( National Socialist German Workers’ Party) are no more socialist than North Koreans are democratic(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). Its how the right wing Nazis talk about all immigrants, legal or otherwise. Its evident in trumps words, and ever so in yours by your ability to take me to task, but not mention him. All life is precious, whether in the womb or out. Another fact the right wing has trouble with.
[fuh-see-shuh s]
not meant to be taken seriously or literally:
a facetious remark.
amusing; humorous.
lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous:
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PermalinkNational Socialists, i.e. Nazis, believed everything was for the benefit of the Fatherland. Just like today's Liberal Socialists believe in an all powerful government. Nazis used force, propaganda and coercion to control the minds of the masses into acting out the violent intentions of their political leader(s). Democrat Socialists of today's America are using the same methods to cause violence and intimidation of those of us who are unwilling to submit to their bizarre, utopian, dysfunctional fundamental change of this great country. I don't see a mis-noh-mer at all. I do see you failing to recognize socialism doesn't work, has never worked and will not be accepted in this country until the re-education (dumbing down) of the young generation is complete.
Nazi's and communist North Korea are closer to democratic ideals than not. Don't know why you expect me to bring up Trump, unless you're being fuh-see-shuh-s.
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PermalinkThe only reason hitler stole the words "socialist" and "workers" was to advance his power grab from those "liberals" and parliamentarians who accepted the Jewish population the Pan Germans thought had an unfair advantage in society. Same as today, blaming immigrants for all the county"s problems. Today's "conservatives" are far from conservative. Just labels.
"Today our left-wing politicians in particular are constantly insisting that their craven-hearted and obsequious foreign policy necessarily results from the disarmament of Germany, whereas the truth is that this is the policy of traitors ... But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same reproach. It was through their miserable cowardice that those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 were able to rob the nation of its arms." Mein Kampf.
Socialism is a pipe dream, for any society. Branding someone a socialist is meant to be derogatory, to try and end the conversation before it begins. But just like Democracies and Republics, its the ideologies of those in power, not the doctrine itself , that defines the form.
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PermalinkHitler didn't steal the socialist label. He embraced it. He used it as a propaganda ploy to rile up the population who needed someone to blame, in that case the Jews. The Jews did not migrate to Germany as illegal immigrants, they were German citizens and were also widespread across Europe.
If calling someone a socialist is derogatory, then you need to tell that to Bernie and that Cortez girl. You might also want to tell the brainwashed college kids who are increasingly coming to believe that it's a good idea. The democrat party is becoming more socialist and they're not hiding it like they used to. I agree with you that socialism is a pipe dream, but that's where the democrat party is headed. It seems the left in this country is not concerned with derogatory language when it's used against people they disagree with and they use stronger terms than that.
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Permalink"Nazism, confused as it was, was based on race, and fundamentally different from class focused socialism. The key element here is what Hitler did, believed and tried to create. Nazism, confused as it was, was fundamentally an ideology built around race, while socialism was entirely different: built around class. Hitler aimed to unite the right and left, including workers and their bosses, into a new German nation based on the racial identity of those in it. Socialism, in contrast, was a class struggle, aiming to build a workers state, whatever race the worker was from. Nazism drew on a range of pan-German theories, which wanted to blend Aryan workers and Aryan magnates into a super Aryan state, which would involve the eradication of class focused socialism, as well as Judaism and other ideas deemed non-German." = MAGA!
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