SAN ANGELO, TX -- (Letter to the Editor from David Currie) Something is happening on our Texas border that I never dreamed I’d ever see. Our federal government is separating children from their parents and, basically, consigning the children to cages. If you think these parents’ attempt to seek a better life for their families justifies the government’s action, then I really have nothing to say to you. America is now violating human rights. This is NOT a law; this is a decision by our President.
Forget for a moment that I am chair of the Tom Green County Democratic Party; my position on this issue has NOTHING to do with politics or the political position I hold. I write this as an American, a Texan, a follower of Jesus Christ, a father, and maybe a few other things. I am sending this to both the San Angelo Standard-Times and San Angelo Live in hopes that both publications will publish it.
This is the most horrible thing I can ever imagine our country doing. There is no excuse for this . . . PERIOD! We don’t do things like this in America.
Therefore, I want to call on our community to join me in a time of prayer and reflection about these events. Monday evening, June 25, I ask that every citizen of our community come together on the steps of the Courthouse at 5:30 p.m. and join in prayer for God to bring an end to these horrible actions by the U.S. government. Bishop Sis has agreed to speak and I’m sure others will as well. I ask every minister of any faith or denomination to come and speak and pray; every elected official in Tom Green County to come and speak; every concerned citizen to come and join together as people of faith (and no faith) to show we believe that this is wrong.
I do not want any politician named. I do not want any political party named. I just want this community to say with one voice that this is WRONG and that we CARE.
Scott Jennings, a GOP strategist, said this about separating children from their parents:
“The people coming here are fleeing violent gangs. Further, the economy here is so good (more jobs than people) that people are going to come. Whatever reason people are coming, America is worth the risk to them. . . . Hopefully, it works out for the sake of these poor children and families who are basically just trying not to get murdered where they were unlucky enough to have been born. It’s heartbreaking to see these families ripped apart, and I hope the president understands he can fix this now.”
I would also ask you readers to do one more thing. If you believe the Bible is the Word of God, please read it this week. You can also take your phone or computer and Google the following questions: “What does the Bible say about children?” “What does the Bible say about orphans and widows?”
And please join together as a community – a community that I believe is decent and loving and compassionate – on Monday evening on the Courthouse steps at 5:30 p.m. and pray for this insanity to end.
(As I submit this for publication there is some hope that President Trump may rescind this action of separating families and hopefully some of our prayer time can be a time of thanksgiving.)
David R. Currie is chair of the Tom Green County Democratic Party. He has a Ph.D. in Christian Ethics and is a retired minister, and owner of a ranch and a small business. He also teaches Sunday School.
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I'm curious if the people attending this prayer event (my guess is there will be less than 50 attendees) are aware that separating families at the border is a legislative (Congress) issue, not executive? Further, it appears the liberal Dems (including the author of this drivel) are driving the hysteria regarding separating illegal immigrants. Couple of questions...If you break the law and are sent to jail, are you not separated from your children? Illegal immigrants are just that...illegally entering the USA. Better yet, where is the liberal Democrat angst regarding the separating of an unborn child from their mother by killing it?
The problem with liberals, beside the fact they are hysterical morons, is they have absolutely no clue of what they speak. Or in the instance of this article, write.
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PermalinkThey're no longer separating "families". The executive order addressing that was signed last week. Border Patrol is keeping these "family" units together. There are not enough immigration judges at the border presently. It can take up to 30 days to process them. After 30 days, if they aren't processed and deported, they are released with a court date (which they'll never show up to). So what exactly is David Currie protesting. Is it because he's the head of the Democratic Party in Tom Green County and just angry in general right now regardless of actual facts? Could it be that his business,Cornerstone Builders cuts cost by hiring cheap labor and this effects his bottom line? Dunno, but the protest today has zero to do with children or what's ACTUALLY happening on the border and everything thing to do with political peacocking and faux outrage.
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PermalinkHarboring criminals and their offspring is a crime. Ignoring the fact that there are AMERICANS with more issues than these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have is clearly UNAMERICAN. SEND THEM BACK. WE DONT WANT THEM
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PermalinkThe left continues to suffer from an acute case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and there is no cure in sight. Funny that the majority of voters in Tom Green county voted for Trump, yet the media continues to denigrate him. Logically, the media is in turn denigrating the citizens who voted for him. Essentially, this rag does not represent the views of their readership.
From a real journalist.....
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PermalinkThe left continues to suffer from an acute case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) and there is no cure in sight. Funny that the majority of voters in Tom Green county voted for Trump, yet the media continues to denigrate him. Logically, the media is in turn denigrating the citizens who voted for him. Essentially, this rag does not represent the views of their readership.
From a real journalist.....
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PermalinkThe left wing media has become nothing more than a propaganda tool for the liberal Democratic party. Interesting, considering the majority of voters in Tom Green county supported Trump for president. Essentially, this poorly written rag does not represent the views of their readership.
From a real journalist -
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Permalink1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423) Call em for a little heat.
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Permalink1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). Call em for some heat.
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PermalinkLet me start by saying I am a republican and I don’t disagree with anything y’all have said about illegal immigrants and how they should be dealt with.
The gentleman that wrote the letter to the editor didn’t say one word about it being a protest of any kind. He simply said he wanted the community to come together to pray for the situation that’s taking place at the border. So when did praying for people become a protest??? Maybe instead of taking things out of context so you have a reason to bad mouth someone, you should just stop and say a prayer for them. Just because you don’t believe in someone’s political views or a situation they might be in doesn’t mean you can’t pray for them.
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PermalinkI'm beginning to get a little frustrated with the topic, I do care about the people that are having to endure a difficult entry, but I don't think the situation is that bad, it sure beats the heck out of living in fear of the cartel's and human trafficking.
The facilities that are being used to handle the huge amount of people that showed up all at once, aren't bad compared to the journey they had to endure to make it to this point. I can't believe that the situation has been compared to Nazi concentration camps from the same political party that promote's pro-choice "family seperations" aka "abortions" that have numbered more than Sixty Million since the 1973 Roe V Wade decision.
We had a prayer rally huh... That's good, and I'm a staunch supporter of prayer and a believer that God listen's to prayer and answers, but I also know that his word say's that "faith without works is dead".
You can pray all day and get nothing done for the people you are praying for, I doubt that many people's conviction's will cause them to do much more than "just pray".
Honestly, I've heard people complain that jail is too cushy and comfortable for the common prisoner, but I also have seen that a jail facility is no acceptable place to house immigrant's, after the public outcry over it. So which is it? Too good or too bad? Am I the only one that feel's as though America is providing a humane environment, even with all of our flaws? It's a good enough situation, that these family's who have come so far, are willing to endure it to escape the living hell of their home Country.
When will their be such public outcry and demands for change to the Child Protective Service's? Many children right here in Texas, have been sexually abused while in their custody and control... What about our juvenile justice system... I was molested in the Texas Youth Commission by another inmate; The system was so crooked, I didn't even report it, because I knew nothing would be done. Only when the heat was put to them, did politician's do anything about it, after years of abuse to thousand's of kids. Only a handful of folks were ever prosecuted.
It may be time to re-think, re-evaluate, and re-read the scriptures. It's great that people know there is one God, even the demon's know that, and they shudder... Faith should be shown in what we do, not in prayer rally's that collect people far away from the problem and offer nothing else.
If you disagree, maybe you should vote over legislation that line's up with how God say's thing's should be... If you have the opportunity to "go" and be of some service to the immigrant's that have it so bad, then get off the couch and go, if not, it may be time be quite. If your opinion make's no change, and your prayer has no feet, than what are you doing?
Blast away, I'm sure I'll get some backlash over this, but at least make some sense when you write something. If your faith isn't shown by what you have done, than you don't really have anything to say do you?
If your faith has caused you to do something, at least in writing back to admonish me, try not to be self-righteous.;NIV
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PermalinkReally quick to judge others aren’t you? I suppose all of us self -righteous people can’t be as perfect as you think you are. As perfect as you try to make yourself sound in every rant you post, your not! I’ll pray for you
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PermalinkI'll let it go after this, but pray for what, exactly? Pray that illegal immigrants are released into our country without applying for citizenship? Pray that Mexico will start accepting refugees from Central America, instead of dumping them on America? Pray for the safety of these illegal immigrants? Considering where they came from, I would say that prayer has already been answered.
Praying for illegal immigrants totally misses the point related to liberal Democrats. They want this prayer rally as a propaganda tool to attack conservatives, nothing more. Libs could shive a git about illegal immigrants. This prayer rally is nothing more than an attempt to divert attention from the success of the Trump administration. Every time there is good economic/policy news or Trump diminishes the Obama legacy, prayer rallies or some other such foolishness are created. Dems treat American citizens like they are stupid. Are you?
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PermalinkDon’t be so quick to assume things. Just because I pray for the situation on the border doesn’t mean I’m praying for a bunch of illegal immigrants to be set free in America. I pray everyday for for our great country and I pray that our president countinues to lead our country in the right direction because so far I think he’s done a good job and I’ll vote for him again. So if that makes me stupid then that’s your opinion. It doesn’t hurt my feelings everyone is entitled to their own opinions!
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PermalinkReally quick to judge people.......if I’m not mistaken the scripture says something about that too..... I’ll pray for you to.
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PermalinkIt shows a clear defeat when a side tries to justify why parents willing to travel thousands of miles just to be separated from their children and labeled animals, should be grateful.
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PermalinkPrayer is talking to God, and it does accomplish thing's, but too many today think that prayer is the only thing they can offer, and miss the idea that God may want them to actually go and "do" something, be physically present. Aside from the love of money, laziness is a pretty common problem... Like I said, tons of people care enough to mouth off about how bad this problem is, but you don't see droves of people flocking to help.
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PermalinkI hear claims that go unsupported, I hear name's being called and I hear others trying to de-humanize those that disagree, but I don't hear anyone on the other side with any valid comment's on what we should do differently, within the realm of possibility and our government's capabilities, that would benefit all involved.
Finite wisdom of man will not solve our Country's problems, we've been using it for a couple hundred years and have progressively gotten worse.
Only God has the answer's, and I don't think it's realistic to expect God to fix all of this, in fact, most don't want to see that, because it would mean that He's come back.
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PermalinkJust an FYI it is not just the US having issues with people coming coming in undocumented.
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