Teens Armed with Assault Rifle Run From the Law


SAN ANGELO, TX — On Saturday afternoon, Texas Department of Public Safety Troopers and Tom Green County Sheriff’s Deputies were in the San Angelo County Club area searching for suspects who had fled law enforcement with an assault rifle.

Justin Baker, a DPS Trooper, said, “While working routine patrol on U.S. 277, a trooper initiated a traffic stop for a speeding violation. The 2005 Ford F-150 was occupied by a driver and three passengers.”

[[{"fid":"41982","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo"},"type":"media","field_deltas":{"1":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo"}},"attributes":{"alt":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","title":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","class":"media-element file-default","data-delta":"1"}}]]
Above: DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club.  (LIVE! Photo/Zoey Hanrahan)

The vehicle briefly evaded and led law enforcement on a pursuit. The pursuit was terminated due to losing sight of the vehicle, according to Baker.

Not long after, Marc Anthony Duarte, 17, and two juveniles were located in the area and arrested.

[[{"fid":"41981","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo"},"type":"media","field_deltas":{"2":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo"}},"attributes":{"alt":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","title":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","class":"media-element file-default","data-delta":"2"}}]]
Above: DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club.  (LIVE! Photo/Zoey Hanrahan)

The driver, who is also a minor, is still at large.

[[{"fid":"41983","view_mode":"default","fields":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo"},"type":"media","field_deltas":{"3":{"format":"default","field_file_image_alt_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","field_file_image_title_text[und][0][value]":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo"}},"attributes":{"alt":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","title":"DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club. Zoey Hanrahan photo","class":"media-element file-default","data-delta":"3"}}]]
Above: DPS Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies Stop Suspects Near San Angelo Country Club.  Zoey Hanrahan photo

Duarte was booked for evading on foot and tampering with evidence after an AR-15 was found in the area that Duarte admitted to throwing out of the vehicle during the pursuit.

The other subjects arrested are juveniles, so names are not available.

Related Stories: Law Enforcement Officers Take Down Suspicious Truck Near San Angelo Country Club

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Glad these kids are off the street... The last thing anyone needs is a bunch of teenage kids running around with guns. Eventually, one of them is going to try something stupid and end up either getting shot, or shooting someone. People with kids need to start thinking about this stuff before lots of consequences start to ripple throughout our community.

Were they gang members are just kids with a gun out speeding and too dumb to stop when the law caught them speeding?
If we have gang bangers roaming the streets with assault rifles, the public needs to be made aware of this. I am afraid the authorities don't really want us to know who we might run into when we are out and about.
If gangs have taken over our schools and parts of our city and county we need to know.

How long before they bust out of Juvie? All they need is a couple of kitchen utensils and they'll be back out on the streets before you can say San Angelo Live!

k40cal, Tue, 06/12/2018 - 19:27

Whoever does the headlines needs to learn that by definition, an AR15 is not an assault weapon. It is a semi automatic (one trigger pull one bullet leaves the barrel), not an automatic (one trigger pull multiple bullets leave the barrel). It is similar to many other hunting and target shooting rifles. For some reason, some folks have decided that it is scary looking and therefore bad.

Who cares if it's technically a semi-automatic weapon? It's the weapon of choice for those who want to commit mass murder for one reason, it is easier to do so with a weapon like the ar-15. I've hunted all my life, tried hunting with an ar-15 this past deer season and it took me 2 seconds to see that it was not designed for hunting, at least from a deer blind.

In El Salvador, gangs have become such a problem, the authorities have implemented an effective operation used to cull gang membership numbers, known as "mana dura" (or iron fist). If you're a gang member, an affiliate or even a low-level neighborhood lookout, the authorities storm your family's house and deliver a no nonsense message, to neglectful/indifferent families who have no qualms breeding litters of junior criminals.

Gangs are a form of organized crime. Organized crime is a form of terrorism. Isn't is odd how many average Americans will nearly wet themselves over the sight of Hijabs and Burkas, but hardly bat an eye at the teams of native scum we have roaming our streets on a daily basis.

If some idiot shoots up a public place and has a few anti-American Facebook posts, the FEDS are kicking down the doors of girlfriends and family members within the incident's following hours. The M.O. should be the same when validated gang members or habitual teen offenders are arrested. YOU know if you're raising a POS. YOU know if they're engaging in criminal activity.

Irresponsible parents know what an infantilized culture their kids are living in. They know that until their loser offspring kills someone, they won't be truly liable or accountable for much of anything.

Start holding parents accountable for the vermin they've unleash onto the streets, make the consequences painful and costly. The animals who raise these types have no sense of responsibility, or shame for a lack of parenting skills. What they DO understand are court costs and jail time. Start doling out some of that, at nearly the rate second, third, tenth chances are alotted, and suddenly we're no longer in car chases with teenagers carrying high powered firearms.

But as a society, we've become too soft and unwilling to use govt. resources to impose painful punishment of anyone. We have too many death row inmates dying of old age in their cells, or finally being executed after 20 years after conviction.

Always been curious to me that often the same people resisting the idea of government management of things like healthcare, education, and commercial oversight (because the government is usually terrible at it) - are the same people who seemingly have zero problem and want that same government to immediately take a person from courthouse sentencing and inject them till they flatline.

Yes, it's that combined with this romanticized notion of children (teenaged) offenders being above true punishment.

Teenagers are held accountable for many of the same basic laws and ordinances we follow daily, but oddly enough, when it comes to the more serious offences, suddenly we're supposed to keep in mind what young darlings they are.

"People make mistakes", some say. Mistakes are locking your keys in your car, or mispronouncing someone's name -- not joining a gang or speeding though town with an illegally obtained firearm.

Before they were stopped, we were all at the mercy of these a-holes. Chances are, none of them are experienced in firearm safety, and that truck became a loaded weapon when they WILLINGLY decided to evade detention. Screw them and their childhood.

ALL lives DON'T matter.

Will authorities release info pertaining to the fact that these kids were gang related or not?

The gangs are taking over our schools, we deserve to know if they ar running around armed with semi- automatic rifles, on our streets.

We will not pressure our law enforcement to crack down on these hoodlums if we do not know the facts about what they are doing. From what I hear from concerned parents, our good kids in school are having to dodge these gang bangers on a daily basis, but the schools cover up the situation so not to look bad.
Society cannot react unless they are informed about a problem. Look back at how the media and school admin. covered a rumored shooting threat at Lincoln jr.high. Twenty -five percent of the parents kept their kids home because of threat, all admin. And media were concerned with was state money that did not come in that day because of abscences. They need to worry about cleaning these little vermin out of our schools, send them to juvenile delinquents' school where they belong.

Authorities will not do anything unless pressured by the public.

I respect and agree with most of your post Lares, but I have to disagree with you, all lives do matter. While I don't think that their lives are more valuable than others lives, I can't agree with saying they don't matter. These kids need to receive a harsh punishment, no doubt, and over time they could end up living differently. I'll give you this though, while they act the way they are currently acting, they aren't worth making excuses for or babying, they need to feel the rod for these stupid actions and should be away from the rest of society for a while.

Also, does it really matter if these kids were gangbangers? If they are doing the same type of things, it doesn't matter if they can be tied to a specific "Click". They need to face the punishment for their actions, as do any others acting the same way, gang or no gang.
If you are truly concerned about your kids being around gangster's in school, maybe you should make the sacrifice to take your kids out of school.

We'll agree to disagree on the 'lives matter' bit, but I see it this way: If one joins a gang, it's for the sole purpose of committing crimes. I've heard the sob stories of "needing to belong" and "the clicka is the family I've never had", but when it comes down to it, a gang's primary purpose is being a thorn in the side of their respective communities.

What do we call people who engage in terrorizing others, depriving them of their sense of security? What do we call it when people swear allegiance to a symbol, a color, a community of like-minded people who's primary objectives are committing crimes against others for person gain or to suit a particular agenda? Well, in most cases this fits the definition of terrorism. Gangs are organized crime outfits. Organized crime outfits are terrorists.

We've been lulled into a sense of indifference, with the term "terrorist" becoming almost synonymous with Middle Eastern bad guy -- though tonight, we're all far more likely to be a victim of some 5 foot tall rat bastard who think's he own's "East Side San Angelo" than a wild eyed, Koran reading psychopath named Mohammed.

These types should be handled as true "criminals", rather than little boys who snatched a pack of gum from the corner store.

Let's be real with each other. If the cops had chased a group of Muslim men, speeding through town with an AR-15, 2/3 of San Angelo would be soiling themselves as we speak - though I cannot recall the last time radical Islam spray painted ALLAH all over the side of local businesses or set up meth labs in my neighborhood.

As far as schooling goes, I'm indeed looking into alternatives. I'm not impressed with the public school system, nor the majority of "finished products" public schools are turning out. I attended Montessori in grade school, I'll be looking into that type of schooling for my child, as he's not of age just yet, and has a chance to enter a career in education TABLUA RASA, unfettered by any potentially harmful influences. I want him to learn, in a nurturing environment. So many gifted children have to take a backseat in public schools, as the teachers and administration are too busy chasing down our future jail house residents, rather than supporting and encouraging those who actually want to learn.

Montessori education is a great alternative, in my opinion. Most of the curriculum is activity based, and the children have much more freedom within the classroom to learn and relate to the materials, unique to their individual ability to absorb the content. When I went, it was a night and day difference to my previous experience with public schools. I was suddenly surrounded with children who WANTED to learn, who had goals and constructive contributions to share with their classmates and communities -- a stark contrast from the trash in the above article, or the majority of what our public school system regurgitates after grade 12.

Yes it does matter. The public deserves to know who and what they are sharing the streets with.

Accidents do happen and we need to understand who we might be dealing with if that situation erupts.

Society can only improve itself if it is educated on what is going on.

Sticking your head in in the sand is much easier, but not beneficial to your survival or to knowing which leader to hold accountable in our representative system.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me that these kids lives do matter... Although that's my belief, I also know that they are making their own choices and have to deal with the natural consequences of those choices... I don't think that their childhood is an issue, nor the level of parenting, it ultimately comes down to what they do with their free will.

I wasn't referring to you Lares when I talked about the schooling portion of my previous rant, although I agree with your decision to look at alternative options, my kiddo's aren't school age either, the oldest is already much more advanced than kids his age though. Already reading at second grade levels and writing, he hasn't even started an actual curriculum yet. That's how I know that homeschooling is the way to go, none of the social issues to cloud up their minds, and plenty of time to learn in different methods than Texas Schools are forced to use.

The gang issue, I feel like is a moot point, I agree with your ideas about them for the most part, but I feel like it makes no difference at all when it comes down to it... Let's say they aren't gangsters, the stupid things they are doing are just as bad as if they were. I think that people who act this way, gangster life or not, need to face the punishment, and I'm sure that our system will do it's part. Some folks become career criminals, while others spend a good deal of time messing up before they change... You never can tell which one is which, I've tried.

People thought that I would be a career screwup, I'm not sure where they are now, but if they saw me, I'm sure it would shock them. Many of the readers on Live who talk about hating these gangster's, and meth head's, and low-life's, are the same folks who look at me like I'm a menace to society while I'm simply going to the store with my family. I don't even dress like a "G" any more. I'm the cat in Wal-Mart with the tattooed neck and hands, the guy that you think is up to no good... All I want is to avoid trouble and be a good man for my family.

I don't spend my time worrying about others opinion of me, but it does bother me that so many folks judge the tattooed guy here on Live, saying that we're just "thugs and slugs" and so forth... All I want to do is live, I guess if I had to shoot someone to defend my wife and kids from a car-jacking, they would be calling me the same in the media just for my looks and a past that is over 10 years clean now.

So if they're not gangbangers, then all is well in your book and this is just an isolated incident? Nothing to see here, move along now? When it comes down to it, you may have a run in with some kids like this in our city... Who will you be calling to hold accountable for them on that day? Or have you prepared to deal with the realities? I suppose if someone comes to carjack you, you will first want to have them pause, so you can call the parties responsible for keeping these kind of characters from posing a threat to society?

Might be time to re-evaluate what's most important. Newsflash! Their are gangsters in San Angelo, sorry if you didn't receive the memo. Part of the job of those in the field of civil service is to keep the public at ease as well... If you do your job, and they do theirs, what is the big issue?

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