SAN ANGELO, TX--(SAPD Press Release) This morning, the San Angelo Police Department’s Traffic Section conducted a LIDAR Traffic Enforcement Operation targeting westbound traffic in the 1700 block of E. Houston Harte.
Police issued a total of 102 citations and 22 warnings during the operation.
Breakdown for citations and arrests:
Speeding: 87 (Highest Speed 88 MPH. All cited were 10 MPH over the posted limit)
Other/Misc. Violations: 3
No Insurance: 5
Warnings: 22
No DL: 2
Operating a motor vehicle is an important privilege and responsibility for drivers, especially in a state as large as Texas with more than 310,000 miles of public roadways. Tragically, every year in Texas, approximately 3,000 people are killed in traffic crashes and more than 80,000 are seriously injured.
Today, more than ever, drivers must avoid distractions in their own vehicle while also staying alert for impaired or unsafe drivers sharing the roadway – failing to do so could have tragic consequences.
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I love to watch drivers reaction's to the Lidar Operation! I personally do the posted speed limit whether folks like it or not... Too many tickets in my lifetime to be acting a fool now.
So as I casually go about my day driving along, and here comes the angry fellow or gal who can't stand that I'm obeying the law, and they decide to stop "tailgating", and pass me because I'm not going any faster for them. In a huff, they speed past, barely missing my vehicle just to prove a point about how angry they are that some folks just don't want to go 65 even though that's what the sign says... Then comes the fun part... They have to, just as quickly, put on the brakes when they finally notice something's going on up ahead... By that time, most of them get popped.
There is something special about getting to see an "instant justice" situation. I don't revel in the misfortune of others, but it does feel good to see someone realize the natural consequences of their actions.
I hope that SAPD issues citations to every kid on summer vacation that acts a fool in their vehicle this year... That might sound crass, but it's good to build in them some responsibility and Texas has cornered the marked on just what seems to teach people the most, affecting their pocket book.
Happy trails San Angelo! Be safe!
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PermalinkBeing of sound mind and body, I must ask again, what the hell is LIDAR? You have answered this question before, but I forgot. And, honestly, I do not understand the consistent use of an acronym. I tried to look it up before I asked, but there is no such word or acronym listed. The AP style book used to be the go to for such matters. Here is what it says today:If an abbreviation or acronym would not be clear on second reference without this arrangement, do not use it. Names not commonly before the public should bot be reduced to acronyms solely to save a few words. In other words, don't use it the first time....but you can the second. I must be alone in this since other folks are familiar. I just want to know what is giving me a ticket when I get caught.
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PermalinkLidar; LIght Detection And Ranging. Basically speed detection with laser light as opposed to radar. It renders radar detectors useless. And yes, I agree that the explanation of the acronym should precede the abbreviation, probably an oversight by Mr. Fowler.
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