Petroleum Products: Gum


Traditionally, chewing gum was made from tree saps, but since that’s not the case today, what makes a gum gummy?

Well, if you read the package, you’ll find an ingredient listing for ‘gum base’, and if you’ve ever wondered why your mom always told you not to swallow your gum, it’s probably because this chewy base is commonly made from plastics and rubbers derived from petroleum.  

That’s right, even your chewing and bubble gums are made from petroleum-based polymers. 

Here, a link to a Youtube video for Discovery's How It's Made: Bubble Gum 

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Zach, Thu, 10/03/2013 - 08:10
Energy industry appreciation month? Give me a break. How about acknowledge something legitimate for October??? This list comes from wikipedia, which did not include the energy industry for some reason: National Down Syndrome Awareness Month Hispanic Heritage Month Domestic Violence Awareness Month National Liver Cancer Month Dyslexia Awareness Month National Book Month National Work and Family Month National Breast Cancer Awareness Month National Dr. McGillicuddy Month National CyberSecurity Awareness Month Filipino American History Month LGBT History Month National Bullying Prevention Month National Down Syndrome Awareness Month National Youth Justice Awareness Month Spina Bifida Awareness Month National Pregnancy and Child Loss Awareness Month Dwarfism Awareness Month

We did energy and industry appreciation month because the Mayor of San Angelo declared it so at last city council meeting.

October isn't over yet :)

Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

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