SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees is considering issuing a bond for nearly $150 million with a bond election on May 5, 2018.
The San Angelo ISD released the news of the proposed bond for $148,990,000 at the school board meeting Monday night.
“In response to SAISD’s aging and evolving facility needs and security considerations, the Long Range Facilities Planning Committee was formed in September 2017,” Superintendent Carl Dethloff said in the statement.
The amount, $150 million, is enough to construct a new high school facility. During the 2008 bond election, major rehabilitation of the current San Angelo Central High School campus was performed instead. This bond is likely for smaller projects. Here's the list of possible projects, and their costs, culled from presentations to the committee.
School districts like San Angelo ISD receive most of their funding from property taxes. Over the last five years, San Angelo’s Interest and Sinking (I&S) portion of their annual budget has been relatively static, as the district pays down $105 million (as of Sept. 2017) in existing debt. Total debt has been dropping about $8 million a year. Tax rates have remained relatively stable, and today are set at $1.22 per $100 in property valuation. Of that, 18 cents was for I&S, and $1.04 was for M&O, according to the latest district annual report prepared last year.
San Angelo ISD, like all Texas school districts, have two parts to its property taxes it charges property owners inside the district. One is the Maintenance and Operations rate. This includes teachers’ salaries, vehicles, utilities, and ordinary repairs on facilities. The interest and sinking rate, the other portion, pays off the district’s debt, usually bonds.
If voters approve the $150 million bond in May, the total debt of the district will be in the neighborhood of $255 million. Statewide, according to State of Texas data from the Bond Review Board, Texas school district debt has increased from $46.6 billion in 2007 to $73.8 billion in 2016, the last year data is available. That is a 58 percent increase.
The TEA states that total student enrollment in Texas public schools in 2006 was 4,521,043. In 2016, enrollment increased to 5,299,728, a 17 percent increase.
San Angelo ISD enrollment is 14,530. In 2015, San Angelo ISD Board President Lanny Layman said the district’s total enrollment was 14,300. In 2001, the closest historical year we could find enrollment figures, San Angelo ISD had 16,000 students. The evidence is that San Angelo ISD isn’t growing.
Part of the reason for the stagnant enrollment figures may be Texas Leadership Charter Academy. The charter school has attracted about 2,800 who would otherwise be enrolled in the San Angelo ISD. TLCA got off the ground in 2007.
In 2008, when the previous $117 million bond was approved, the original need was to build a brand new high school campus not at the existing location. The multi-building Central High School campus was deemed inadequate for future investment or expansion. However, ambitions for the bond amount then were toned down and Central received a just a facelift, completed by 2015.
What will the San Angelo ISD build with $150 million? The district didn’t release that information Monday night. But an increase of its debt that high will mean a property tax increase in a City already reeling from property valuation increases.
Then there is Tom Green County’s new jail. The county may need to go to voters to approve a county bond to complete its $50 million jail. We learned in December that the current project, already funded with a loan with construction underway, is too small to meet State of Texas and county inmate requirements.
The San Angelo ISD enlisted the aid of a board of citizen volunteers on a committee that concluded a $150 million bond was needed. It “reviewed a variety of information in rendering this decision, including safety and security issues, aging and existing facility needs (those not included in the 2008 bond campaign), as well as financial analysis of bonding capacity and tax impact scenarios,” the district stated.
The San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees will vote to approve a bond election at their meeting Feb. 12, 2018.
On the district’s “Long range Facilities Planning Committee” who recommended the bond were:
- Dan Baker
- Lt. Gen. Ronnie Hawkins, Jr., Ret.
- Wrey Montgomery
- Mike Boyd
- Dr. Colleen Heartsill
- Dana Nolen
- Krista Bradley
- Baynes Hobbs
- Angel Perez
- Elizabeth Chambers
- Lorenzo Lasater
- Louie Perez
- John Childers
- Matt Lewis
- Rev. Bill Proctor
- Gus Clemens
- Taishi Ligon
- Andy Robinson
- Amy Deadman
- Dr. Flor Madero
- Carlos Robledo
- Christy Diego
- Dr. Brian May
- Carlos Rodriguez
- Dr. Javier Flores
- Debbi Meads
- Howard Taylor
- Brenda Gunter
- Pierce Miller
- Whitney Watson Wood
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The school district has been spending money on things like WiFi on buses, leasing iPads and creating new positions for people. All while underpaying the support staff and still collecting more in property tax.
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PermalinkHell no!! to this and Tom Green County.Stop spending and cut elected officials salaries.Enough is enough
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PermalinkI had advanced warning that this was coming. A few weeks ago, I received a phone call from a polling agency asking my opinion on this issue. Ordinarily, I wouldn't participate in any polls, but the nice young lady was forthcoming with my questions about the company she worked for, so I went along with it. I had to wonder, though, how much did the school district pay this company to do this study. I also thought what a waste of taxpayer money it was to commission this company and the blatant disregard of the use of public money in this manner is indicative of the waste that must be addressed before they ask us to vote for more money.
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PermalinkAll you nay sayers need to visit these facilities. They lack storage, flood when it rains the slightest bit, the restrooms are in constant need of repair, classrooms lack the space needed for full size classes of students to move about freely and be able to utilize flexible seating, some of the schools have not been updated in 20-30 years, and some campuses are open to traffic and people walking to and fro because of their location. We need to be forward thinkers and if we don’t take care of these issues now, things will only deteriorate! Please support this bond election with a ‘YES’!
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PermalinkWell, Elizabeth, you pay for it! Its not OUR problem to fix when we have $4,000 a year property tax that takes away from my OWN home renovations, which are much more important to my families needs than some of these ridiculous requests!!! This bond election can stick it!!
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PermalinkDevil_Dog-I do pay taxes and plenty of them! Our children deserve facilities that are up to date, can accommodate all different learning styles, have adequate storage, where the wind doesn’t blow through closed windows, etc. If we don’t do something, our kids and their kids ( if they hang around) will pay. How about putting others first?
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PermalinkI can assure you, I put others first.......but NEVER to a point where it causes my family to go without, this is called “living within your means” and with MORE tax increases this is getting more and more difficult! Let me congratulate you on, obviously, making soooo much money the STUPID high cost of living isn’t bothering you yet. How about, since you put others first, just give them your f$&@& house to auction off for some of their needs!
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PermalinkI was not trying to be rude. I apologize! I understand your concern. I guess we are both passionate about our views. Blessings to you and your family and I guess we will just agree to disagree.
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PermalinkI do not know your or Elizabeth. But is you have property taxes that are 4000.00 per year you make more money than do and most likely have a bigger and nicer house as you pay about 1200.00 more a year than I do. Therefore I hope you are like me and do not remodel anything or upgrade anything because you can be like me and live from paycheck to paycheck with no savings ,no health insurance , no benefits at work, and I am a nurse! But I would still like to see some repairs and upgrades to the schools and I don't even have any kids in school. The first time one gets taken from a campus because there is no fence or a car comes speeding onto the play ground or they close the Freshman Campus because the old copper lines collapse and you cannot flush the pots, I will think of you. And yes for the cost of living is high especially when my husband has had cancer and the medical bill in 2017 were over $50,000 and in 2015 they were over a half million dollars. So you can imagine what his Cobra insurance is and how little his disability check is. So glad you get your taxes paid and can think about home renovations. Sure am glad you do not have any kids in school and if you do I hope they go to the Freshman Central Campus or a campus with no fencing. You'd think twice if you child came up missing. Then you'd wish that fence had been a little taller. Nothing is too good when it comes to the safety of the kids at school.
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PermalinkActually, JL, the $4000 was an exaggeration based on how the taxes are absurd! And, I’m well aware of nursing benefits as my mother has been a nurse for 30 years, my aunt a nurse for about 25, my grandmother a retired nurse after 40+ years.....I’m very well educated on what you are complaining about. I DO indeed have children, and I do believe child safety is paramount EVERYWHERE; that being said WiFi on buses does not make them safe. The tax dollars already going to the school are being spent improperly so there’s no telling what will be done with this amount of money if enough morons vote yes!! I would gladly vote yes if 60% of that money we’re going towards the salaries of TEACHERS educating our future leaders.....not the superintendent, or principal’s, or the board members; the teachers! But, to give those kind of money for a band hall, or “multi purpose facility”, or a number of other things on the thank you!
And by the way, I’m sorry for your husbands diagnosis, I pray God helps him and your family overcome ALL obstacles involved in these situations.......I know they aren’t easy.
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Permalink$5million to renovate bathrooms at Central freshman campus? Gonna gold playe the fixtures?
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PermalinkI doubt any of them will have gold fixtures. I do not know when the Freshman campus for Central was built but it was a Jr. High for many years. Since it was built so long ago I bet it was in the day of copper pipe which my now has corroded and leaks into the ground water. If you take that while building and replace the old plumbing bet you do spend that much. Had maintenance been done all along like they should of done the city underground water pipes it would not be so costly now. You should have have to wait until a wall collapses and injuries a child to get help in these areas.
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PermalinkHave been inside the schools. I will not argue that some of them do need work however in good conscience I can’t vote yes for the bond knowing that some of the schools on the list don’t need to have any more money spent on them. The district puts in unnecessary things such as a wood ceiling etc. I too wish parents could see into all the schools so they could start asking why some of them have state of the art equipment while others don’t. Money is not distributed evenly across the district. If they want to save, why not cut some of the superintendent’s salary and get rid of the assistants. Does he really need more than 1 and does he really need a 6figure salary while some other employees struggle to make ends meet?
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PermalinkBy the way Elizabeth, my comments were all meant for Devil Dog and not for you. There are lots of things that need to be changed in our school system. In fact, there are so many it's hard to know where to start. Maybe that is why things are the way they are now.
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