City Street Swallows Little Nissan, Trapping Mom, Daughter and Dog


SAN ANGELO, TX — A mother, daughter and their dog had to be rescued Sunday night after their Nissan was engulfed by a city street.

When we arrived at the scene at College Hills Blvd. and Oxford St., the Nissan was observed sunk and tilted, like it sank into the street flooded with water. It was not raining. Instead, a water main broke, and water was pouring out on to the street.

[[{"fid":"36500","view_mode":"wysiwyg","type":"media","attributes":{"alt":"A Nissan sinks into a San Angelo city street on Jan 7, 2018","height":"562","width":"750","class":"media-element file-wysiwyg"}}]]

Underneath the flooding, a large sinkhole in the roadway was created by the torrent of City water.

That is how the Nissan was trapped. Other motorists saw the stuck Nissan, and not understanding why the Nissan’s driver wasn’t moving, honked, seemingly thinking the Nissan’s driver was distracted or texting. Soon, however, some other drivers realized the Nissan was sunk into the road! They called for help.

All three (which includes the family pet) could not open the doors. A police officer opened the doors from the outside and the family was rescued.

City of San Angelo Water Department is on the scene fixing the main line break of the City’s water supply lines. We anticipate the water department crews will be working on the problem through the night. Expect College Hills at Oxford to be closed until the repairs are finished. The incident happened just before 10 p.m. Sunday night.

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LOL........ Write that lady a BIG old check city of San Angelo........ And if I was her (and her attorney), I'd demand lots of 0's on the end of that check to cover current losses, pain and suffering and the future mental anguish due to PTSD from the fright..........

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