SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo man who was previously sentenced to 6 years deferred adjudication for sexually assaulting a female student at Irion County High School after picking her up near the buses in Mertzon finally met his fate today.
According to the original complaint against Daniel Joseph Armenta, who was 28 at the time of the offense, he was selling weed to a high school girl but he expected more than just monetary compensation.

Above: Arrest warrants issued for Daniel Armenta. (LIVE! Photo/Chelsea Reinhard)
He picked the girl up in front of her house back in March 2015 at 2 a.m., supplied her with marijuana, and sexually assaulted her in the back seat of his car, the complaint stated. Hours later, the next school day, Armenta met the girl again near the buses at the Irion County High campus, picked her up, and drove her to his apartment in San Angelo and forced himself on her. The young girl escaped and called friends to pick her up from a hiding location.
The citizens of San Angelo howled when Armenta was given a slap on the wrist and sentenced to just 6 years probation.
But Armenta didn’t disappoint the Tom Green County Criminal Justice System. He broke the terms of his probation, to include:
- Failed to make payments as terms of his probation from March through July 2017
- Got caught in possession of less than 2 oz. of marijuana
- Was busted for DWI, with the BAC of 0.15.
- Failed to complete the minimum of just 10 hours of community service out of the 240 he was supposed to complete during the term of his probation for the months of April and May 2017.
- Didn’t pay for his urinalysis testing on two dates in May and June 2017
- Violated his 10 p.m. curfew back in February, where he vanished from 10 p.m. until he was found at 6 a.m. the next morning.
- Didn’t pay his sex therapist from March through July 2017.
- Was caught in a movie theater, considered a child safety zone because of the arcade games there.
- Attended Glen Meadows Baptist Church, which has a kindergarten and pre-school class, another child safety zone.
- Failed to pay his $5 per month Sex Offender Fee to the Concho Valley CSCD from March through July 2017.
Armenta was in court with a new lawyer this morning where he pled not true to the allegations the probation office made. Judge Brock Jones would have none of it.
Armenta was in court back in March facing a similar fate.
Judge Jones revoked Armenta’s deferred adjudication and sentenced him to 6 years in the State penitentiary.
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So 10 is the number of rules of probation you can break before they haul you in?
No wonder everybody is getting robbed 'cause all of the tweakers haven't hit the magic #.
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