Sealcoating of City Streets to Begin in the Near Future


SAN ANGELO, TX — More streets will be under construction as the City of San Angelo continues its scheduled sealcoating street maintenance program.

The City Council today awarded Ronald R. Wagner & Co. of Kendalia, Texas, a $2.4 million contract to perform the work, as it has the last two years. The sealcoating of selected streets throughout the city represents the third year of an eight-year cycle to maintain every city roadway in San Angelo.

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The project’s start date will depend upon the contractor’s availability. The work will take about three weeks and will conclude in August. Streets in the Fairview addition, Santa Rita and in the University and College Hills areas will be treated, as will Twin Mountain Drive. For maps of the streets to be sealcoated, download the *pdf here.

Cars parked on the streets being sealcoated could be subject to towing.

“We will alert homeowners beforehand,” City Engineer Russell Pehl said. “We desperately need their cooperation in keeping vehicles from being parked on the streets. We need these roadways cleared to ensure maximum effectiveness of this maintenance program.”

Sealcoating is not to be confused with resurfacing a roadway. Sealcoating is a preventative measure. It involves applying a thin layer of asphalt and rock to a street’s surface. That prevents moisture from seeping into the asphalt and damaging the roadway’s base. The process extends the life of a street’s surface.

The City Council approved an $80 million, 10-year plan to rebuild San Angelo’s worst streets. The first project – reconstruction of MLK Drive – is halfway done and is scheduled to be complete in the fall of 2018. The first phase of a three-phase project to rebuild Bell Street will begin in the fall. The construction schedule is available at

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Yay !!!! Another thin sheet of oil and gravel spread on top of the same old rough, pot hole plagued streets..... Throw that money into the wind without changing a single thing regarding our streets........

Fixed the streets that got done a few years ago that were messed up within days. Also haven't said anymore about the lawsuit they had against that company either

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