Gender Identity Takes Center Stage at San Angelo ISD


The Board of Trustees of San Angelo ISD opened the floor to concerned parents yesterday evening for a discussion of a federal guidance letter made public last Friday, May 13.

A night that started with appreciation of student athletes turned to concerned parents voicing their opposition for the proposed guidance letter issued by the federal government; this initiative directs public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity.

Shannon Carpenter, local political activist, said, “Parents spend 18 years protecting their children, and we prepare them for the day that they leave. We expect our school to stand up for our children, and also to protect them.”

Carpenter was the first to speak out against the law at the board meeting. She argued that the current White House Administration has made it clear that, if the public schools do not abide by this guidance, then their Title IX funding may be reduced, which may affect the board's decision to uphold the new initiative.

Carl Dethloff, superintendent of SAISD and member of the board of trustees, stated the board has taken no action on the initiative at this time.

“We have not adopted any new policy, or any new procedures in regard to bathroom access,” Dethloff said during his general statement on the issue. “We have made no changes to our existing policy in this regard. We will continue to provide additional privacy options to any student, for any reason.”  

Members of The Board of Trustees listen to opinions on transgender policy

For those unfamiliar with Title IX funding, it comes from the Education Amendments of 1972, which “protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance,” according to the U.S. Department of Education. It also states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

By rejecting students their right to gender identification, the Office of Civil Rights can evaluate, investigate, and resolve complaints alleging to sex discrimination in schools, according to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.

Susie Smith, another concerned parent said, "The Obama Administration sent a directive to thousands of school districts across the country, demanding they allow transgender students access to restrooms and locker rooms corresponding to their imagined gender identity." Smith went on to say that in the letter from the federal government they neglected to mention the word transgender and instead used sex discrimination as the topic. 

“During the fall, when schools come back, Obama is still going to be our president, and the [school] is still going to need their Title IX funding,” Carpenter said. “On the other hand, it’s 3 percent of their budget; is it really going to affect [the school] that much?”

Dethloff, however, explained why he feels students need to feel safe in their learning environment.

“I want to ensure the community that the most important job I have, [that] perhaps even trumps academics, is to keep all kids safe," he said. "[Students] simply cannot learn if [they] are not in a safe and secure environment.”

For some concerned citizens, this initiative calls into question the morals of society, and the foundations of morality are being traded for the rights of transgender bathrooms.

“We need to get back to the morals in society,” Carpenter said. “Why do we think we have the issues that [society] has? It’s a sad day for even having this discussion. Being open minded is one thing, but standing strong on our convictions, and God’s word, is another.”

Title IX applies to institutions that receive federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education, including state and local educational agencies. These agencies include approximately 16,500 local school districts, 7,000 postsecondary institutions, as well as charter schools, for-profit schools, libraries, and museums, according to

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This is from POLIFACT:

"There have not been any public safety issues" in cities that allow transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender they identify as.

-- Equality NC Director Chris Sgro

We rated that claim Mostly True. Sgro said that although opponents of transgender-friendly bathroom laws often cite fears of sexual predators, those fears aren’t based in fact.

We searched far and wide for examples that fit three categories: 1. someone convicted of committing a sex crime AND 2. in the opposite gender’s bathroom or locker room AND 3. in a place that lets transgender people use the bathroom they feel most comfortable with.

We couldn’t find any in the United States, and conservative groups also couldn’t point to any. There have been a few recent allegations, and we gave some weight to those, but people in America are considered innocent until proven guilty. We also found one case of a Canadian who took advantage of transgender-friendly rules in Toronto to commit rape and has been convicted, facing life in prison.

The law being written by Republicans made sure that the minimum wage could not be raised by the cities in the state and it also took discrimination law suits out of the state courts and into the more restrictive Federal courts. This made the Republicans very happy because they got people to worry about bathrooms while they attacked their favorite targets, labor, gays, and transgender. They have already passed laws attacking their other favorite targets, minorities and the disabled, through their voter ID laws.

This is from POLITIFACT:

The law is most well-known for mandating that people use the bathroom of the gender on their birth certificate, which would stop transgender people from using the bathroom of their gender identity. It also sets statewide nondiscrimination policies for both employment and service in public accommodations; the policies don’t include protections for gay or transgender people.

It also forbids cities and counties from making rules that differ from state law on discrimination and bathroom issues, as well as on minimum wage and other labor-related topics.

Finally, the law says North Carolinians may no longer file discrimination lawsuits in state courts – they may only use the more restrictive federal court system.

It took away the right of people who are fired for discriminatory reasons to sue in state court. It took away the right of people who are treated or refused service in a discriminatory way to sue in state court. It took away the right of cities to require subcontractors to follow rules about discrimination and wages, and it nullified some existing city policies.

Forrest Gump
What the State of North Carolina is doing regarding their laws has no merit with regard to the current suggestion by the DOE on bathroom use in Texas Schools.
The proof that you provide from Polifact does not in anyway indicate what will happen in the future when or if these bathroom rules are implemented in Texas.
These new rules have not been in effect nationally long enough to draw any conclusions.
Put the transgender issue aside for one moment and consider what could happen to our children when anyone is granted access to any bathroom they wish without regard for their biological sex.
There are sound reasons for having separate bathrooms for Men and for Woman. Otherwise, they would not exist.
Regarding transgender, every effort is being made to accommodate their needs without having to make everyone else uncomfortable.
It really appears that these types of rules are being pushed on the majority out of spite and not out of any genuine needs. Where is the respect for the American people who do know better than the Federal Government on how we raise our children?

You know... Look at other countries that have allowed such for the past 36 years to see the future of it. But you probably wont and will keep crying...

As a transgender person I am here to inform you that you can change your gender on your birth certificate in the state of Texas. After getting a written letter from a doctor that you have undergone an irreversible surgery in order to change your gender. So...making someone go to the bathroom that correlates with whats on their birth can see where I am going with this. And this information is based on PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

We should not be forced to compromise the safety or comfort of the majority of people who are opposed to this ridiculous issue. This is not an issue of discrimination, as proponents would have you believe. Using this under the banner of discrimination is demeaning to those who have suffered actual acts of discrimination.

Forrest Gump-If you think just because no transgender person has committed any attacks means there will never be a problem, you are mistaken. Pedophiles go where the children are (schools, churches, parks, etc.), and will use any means at their disposal to satisfy their perversion. Passing a law to make it easier for them makes no sense. For supporters of this law who are putting their own desires against common sense social norms, we should not have to compromise the safety of our young girls and wives for any reason.

...with public bathrooms.
That's just the opening battle in the coming war.
Protect your daughters because the government sure won't.

You know...I hope you tell people to protect their sons too...protect all their children. Stop crying about stupid things and just focus on REAL issues affecting our country.

The key word in Title IX is "SEX" and NOT "GENDER". Obama has violated not one, but two federal laws.

Obama took a 1972 law, Title IX, which was designed to prevent sex discrimination in education, and says that as of today, the word “sex” in the statute does not mean the “sex” you were born with. It means whatever “gender” you feel like on a given day.

And, if that was not bad enough, the manner in which the Obama Administration acted was to legislate by letter, not just usurping legislative power, but Obama violating another federal law — the Administrative Procedures Act.

May 13 good guidance letter includes list of new terms, never previously adopted by Congress or the Administration. Not only that, but the letter contains rules governing the interpretation of those new legal terms. For example, the letter defines “gender identity” to be “an individual’s internal sense of gender,” but then forbids the use of any objective standard – such as “medical diagnosis or treatment” — to verify any individual claim. One’s gender identity is, thus, established solely by a person’s subjective claim. And that claim can change from day to day.

The Administrative branch of government is not and was never intended to be the Legislative Branch. The Legislative branch passes the laws, the Administrative branch enforces the law and the Judicial branch is supposed to interpret the law in a non-partisan manner. I see a lot of issues here in the way the federal government is choosing to behave.

hexi, Tue, 05/17/2016 - 14:14

the SAPD arrest a Mexican national for videotaping a woman in a Wal-Mart bathroom?

I wonder if he was transgender.

Whatever happened to the left's popular mantra, "stay out of our bedrooms"? It's okay for them to go in to our bathrooms, however.

I wonder what Vladimir Putin is telling his troops about American men thanks to our president.

How about you go ask him? And you could like...stay there and stuff. His line of thinking seems to be in line with yours.

MLS, Tue, 05/17/2016 - 18:34

I am not a transgender, therefore I am not here to judge them. I have never walked a day in their shoes, therefore I have no idea what their experience here on earth is like. I have no idea if what they experience is physiological or psychological. I am Christian. I have my beliefs. As a Christian it is not my business to judge, but rather to love and spread the Good News. That being said, I am not okay with my daughter being in a public restroom with anyone who has male anatomy. Under any circumstances. Period. It's not because I think transgenders are all manipulative perverts out to get's simply because one out of a thousand could be. And that's not a risk I'm willing to take with my baby girl. Therefore, why can't we just change public stalls to public rooms. Instead of one room with stalls, lets create 5 rooms with toilets in one public hallway. Then put the sinks outside in the hallway in plain view. This would help eliminate much of the misbehavior that goes on in the school restrooms anyways (kids hiding out to socialize and do their make-up/hair, making awful messes for custodians to clean up, etc.) Then everyone is happy. Transgenders can use whatever room they want and we all know our children are safe from predators.

You know what? I love you. I mean yes you posted stuff about the same "I'm scared of the bathroom boogeyman" stuff. I'm not going to argue with you and just say that I have seen a lot of ignorant judgemental comments. And to finally see someone voice their opinion without any hatred is just uplifting. I consider you an intelligent person that is upholding their beliefe while not being an asshole, and that is why I love you.

First, to ML S. While I think your idea is not bad in all aspects, who's going to fund this? Do you have any idea what it would cost to relocate all of the plumbing to arrange bathrooms in such a way, in just one school? Much less all schools? It would be a nice solution for new construction perhaps, but not very economical for existing structures. I very much agree with your sentiment on the rest though.

As for the rest of the article. It seems a no-brainer that adults should be directed to separate bathrooms. I honestly didn't even think of that as I was reading this, and perhaps that was just me being dense. My first thought was of the children. I've seen/read several news articles about transgendered children, so my initial assumption was that we were talking about allowing them into the bathrooms of their choosing. Now, obviously adult predators getting into this situation is horrendous, but I don't think that allowing cross-gendered (?) children to mingle behind closed doors where clothing is removed is going to turn out well either. Particularly in the jr. high and high school range. I remember being a boy at that age. I would have loved such an easy key to the girls locker room. Kids today get into enough trouble, why are we making that easier?

Sigman, Wed, 05/18/2016 - 21:38

WOW, talk about a burning issue! I must say that I will agree with the rants posted here regarding this issue. Folks, I am going to say it loud and clear...."ALLOWING THESE SICK TRANSGENDER ALIENS" into our public restrooms will do nothing but incite violence! You come into a public restroom looking like "KEN" when you should be in "BARBIE'S restroom facility, and vice versa, is more than likely going to cause you some issues, and they will be well deserved! THIS IS A NO BRAINER FOLKS! This law is sickening and if OBAMA wasn't already heading out the door, he would/should be IMPEACHED! While this sick President might be okay with this, how do you believe that "MOOCHELL" would feel if her "DAUGHTERS" were in a restroom facility and one of these "TRANSGENDER ALIENS" walked in? Ooooooh, I bet she would be one ticked off mom! What will really be interesting is how SAISD Administration and it's Board's will decide on how best to deal with this issue. I will say that if they want to stay where they are at, they best listen to the citizens of San Angelo, TX! If they allow these "ALIENS," to use the same restrooms that we, "NORMAL PEOPLE" utilize, then I say, "REMOVE THEM" immediately! I will also demand from ACLU that "I" be given a "PRIVATE" facility to take care of my business! I for one am not crazy about sharing "MY POOP" with anyone else!! EL "SLY" ROKS

Greetings earthling, "SICK TRANSGENDER ALIEN" here. Bring me to your leader, I just hope he has more intelligence than this plebeian life form.

Sigman, Thu, 06/30/2016 - 18:04

Serena Jennings, your comment is well taken! Yes, not only should we protect our "little girls" but we should also insure protection for our "little boys" as well. Not sure where you are going with your comment "Stop crying about stupid things and just focus on REAL issues affecting our country." IF you are suggesting that "TRANSGENDER" issues are not important, then you need to rethink what you are saying. This is an issue that "IS" affecting our country and I'm not so sure that the majority is convinced that this is "NORMAL." The fight will go on not only in Texas but the rest of the country. I for one will be there to support the fight! I, as well as others, are not convinced that "TRANSGENDERS" just woke up one morning and decided that they did not want to be either "KEN OR BARBIE" anymore! If this is the route this country wishes to take then I have a solution to the problem. Currently we have two restroom facilities, MEN/BOYS and "LADIES/GIRLS. All we need to do is add an additional restroom and label it "DEMOCRATS!" Now, have a "COKE & A SMILE!" "EASY FIX"

OK lets see...

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The first known Transgender person in the united states was reported in 1952. I have no Idea what form of twisted logic you have to determine someone just wakes up in the morning and says they want to be a woman. This phenomenon is all over the world and not just the United States. Going by mental health standards compared to say...multiple personality disorder which is ONLY prevalent in the united states, one can determine that it is not an actual condition. Researchers have determined that hormonal imbalance or greater ammounts of estrogen or testosterone int he womb at birth leads to such. In an experiment on animals, the tampered with the hormones of animals and found that when given female hormones to certain male animals they take up the female role opposed to the male role. So now that I have pointed out that it is more or less a medical thing and not just...(here let me use your caps lock thing) "I WANT TO BE A WOMAN TODAY" then please make a counter argument with facts. I can provide references if you wish.

Also if you dont like the direction the country is going you can always...(I've been waiting to use this one since it seems to be popular with conservative people) "LEAVE" but you cant go to Canada cause...well they are more ahead of us in acceptance than America. There is always Russia...

I am smiling, but...I like Mountain Dew...

Not sure where our hijra is taking us? It's very plain: They are condescending to you and all of us. Our concerns do not matter. The faith and traditions of we peasants do not matter. No, no. There are more important things in this life than faith, family, meaning, truth, inspiring the next generation to eventually colonize other worlds.. No, the really important things are our sexy bits and that a very small minority of individuals are able to do whatsoever they wish and screw the concerns of everyone else.

Those concerns will not be addresses by academic and scientific circles, those concerns are not legitimate, and the minds that generate them are not legitimate. By the power of this psychological spell, you are given the lethe of political correctness, and through it you will be subdued.

Our hijra is cursing us. Be careful, because unicorns are an endangered species, and the penalties for harming (or so much as upsetting) a protected species... are horrible.

Just don't be condescending and we'll keep the guy from "Legend" off of you. And please don't dismiss people's concerns outright.

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