Angelo State Honors Student Wins Prestigious Research Award at Regional Conference


SAN ANGELO, TX - Blythe Meacham of Frisco, a junior in the Angelo State University Honors Program, won the top prize for her research presentation at the recent 2025 Great Plains Honors Council (GPHC) Conference in Denton.

An English major, Meacham earned a Dennis Boe Award for exceptional research and writing by an undergraduate honors student. She was presented a plaque and a $200 cash prize, and her work will be published in The Windmill, a scholarly journal featuring undergraduate research. Only three Dennis Boe Awards are presented annually to undergraduate students who are juniors or seniors.

Meacham's oral presentation and paper detailed her research project titled "Beyond the Female Gothic: Wild Women in Charlotte Dacre's Zofloya and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights."

"This latest recognition speaks to the continued academic success of our Honors Program students and the excellent mentoring they receive both within their academic majors and through the Honors Program," said Dr. Shirley Eoff, Honors Program director. "Our students continue to produce high-quality work that engages important issues in their own academic disciplines while also connecting to issues of current concern - in this case, how the interplay between conceptions of natural and civilizing forces play a role in shaping human lives."

Dennis Boe Award winners are selected through a blind review by a committee of university honors program deans, directors, and faculty from across the region. Meacham is the 12th ASU Honors Program student to earn the award since 2013.

Also representing the ASU Honors Program and presenting their research at the GPHC Conference were:

  • Hannah Bankhead of Arlington - Studio Art major
  • Matthew Garner of San Angelo - English major
  • Isabel Gilbert of Clancy, Mont. - Biology major
  • Daisy Herr of San Angelo - English/History major
  • Hannah Jones of Fort Worth - Studio Art major
  • Clay Loper of San Angelo - Management major
  • Avery Schafer of San Antonio - English/Spanish major
  • Luis Segovia of Del Rio - Biology major
  • Kaci Wainscott of Lubbock - History major

The GPHC is a regional organization that serves collegiate honors programs in Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma. More details are available at

ASU honors student Blythe Meacham with her Dennis Boe Award

ASU honors student Blythe Meacham with her Dennis Boe Award

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