City of San Angelo Water Line Break Reduces Water Pressure in Southland


An eight inch water line pipe that feeds water through the City of San Angelo water system broke near the intersection of Southwest Blvd. and Green Meadow Dr. at the 4400 block of Southwest Blvd. Sunday. 

Water flowing from the break started as a trickle this morning, but increased to leak thousands of gallons of water into the street by mid-afternoon. 

The break may have reduced water pressure to residences, including apartments in the area.

San Angelo Police issued an alert about sink holes near the Sunset Blvd. and Green Meadow Dr. intersections. However, a worker on the scene said that although the ground is very wet around the leak, it does not rise to sink hole status.

Water to the broken pipe segment is shut off and crews will be working throughout the rest of the day to fix it. Residents have already reported better water pressure.

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