San Angelo Assistant Principal Saves Choking Student at TLCA


SAN ANGELO, TX — A quick-thinking assistant principal at TLCA San Angelo helped save a choking student during junior high lunch on Feb. 6.

According to information released by the school, Bryan Castro, the assistant principal, was alerted by a staff member that an eighth-grade student was choking in the cafeteria. The student, visibly struggling, stood up searching for help.

Castro rushed to the student’s side and performed the Heimlich maneuver. As he attempted to dislodge the obstruction, he noticed the student’s face turning pale. He moved the student to a more private area near the cafeteria exit and resumed the Heimlich, information stated. After several attempts, the blockage was expelled, and the student was able to breathe again.

The school praised Castro for his decisive response, calling his actions an example of leadership in a critical moment. 

“The student and his family are beyond thankful,” the school said in a statement. “Moments like these remind us of the incredible individuals in our school community—people who step up when it matters most.”

According to school officials, Bryan Castro, the assistant principal, was alerted by a staff member that an eighth-grade student was choking in the cafeteria. The student, visibly struggling, stood up searching for help.

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