Pax­ton Demands Doc­u­ments From 2 Texas School Dis­tricts to Ensure Boys Aren’t Com­pet­ing in Girls Sports


AUSTIN, TX — Attorney General Ken Paxton has requested an extensive list of documents from Dallas Independent School District and Irving ISD to ensure that the districts are not allowing boys to compete in girls sports. 

The Office of the Attorney General sent letters to the Superintendents of both districts after the office was made aware that officials at Dallas and Irving ISD had given parents alarming recommendations that could potentially reflect an unstated policy of not upholding Texas state law protecting women’s athletics. 

Dallas ISD’s LGBT Youth Program Coordinator, Mahoganie Gaston, was filmed telling a parent that a male student would be allowed to participate in girls’ sports if the parent changed the birth certificate of their son to “female.” She also said that the district “find[s] the loopholes in everything” and that she is willing to go to jail for defying Texas law. Similarly, Irving ISD’s Executive Director of Campus Operations, Reny Lizardo, was filmed informing a parent that a male student could play in women’s sports if the parents changed the male student’s birth certificate to “female.”

“The idea of school district officials turning their backs on female students and sacrificing the integrity of women’s athletics to advance the radical transgender agenda is disgusting, but that seems to be exactly what occurred here,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Any systematic effort by a school district to sidestep state law and allow biological boys to play in girls’ sports in Texas will be rooted out, and my office will explore all avenues to hold those responsible to account.”

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