San Angelo ISD Approves 2025-26 Calendar


SAN ANGELO, TX — The San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees approved Option B for the 2025-2026 district calendar during its regular meeting on Dec. 16.

The approved calendar designates March 23 as an instructional planning day, giving teachers a day to prepare following Spring Break.

Deputy Superintendent Dr. Farrah Gomez described instructional planning days as “gold” for teachers to collaborate, plan lessons, and analyze assessments.

“This isn’t time for to-do lists or meetings,” Gomez said. “It’s a gift for working on the work.”

Trustees considered this input in choosing Option B over Option A, which proposed March 9 for the planning day.

Board members discussed how the date placement serves different teacher preferences. Gomez clarified that both options provided preparation for the final grading period but addressed varying needs, such as illness peaks in February or end-of-year events in the fourth quarter.

The motion passed unanimously, 7-0.

The calendar maintains SAISD’s core priorities, including completing the first semester before Winter Break, aligning Spring Break with Angelo State University, and ending the school year in May.

The San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees approved Option B for the 2025-2026 district calendar during its regular meeting on Dec. 16.

The San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees approved Option B for the 2025-2026 district calendar during its regular meeting on Dec. 16.

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