NWS: Warm and Wet Conditions Possible Around Christmas


SAN ANGELO, TX — Residents in West Central Texas can expect warmer-than-average temperatures around Christmas, with rain chances likely to develop after the holiday, according to the National Weather Service (NWS) San Angelo office.

The 8-14 Day Outlook, valid from December 23 to 29, forecasts above-normal precipitation for the region, with a potential for rain to develop as the upper-level weather pattern progresses. However, forecasters currently expect most rain to hold off until after Christmas.

Temperatures are also predicted to remain warmer than average, reducing any likelihood of a white Christmas in the area.

The NWS forecast shows a strong probability of above-normal temperatures across much of the United States, including Texas.

We reported earlier that a cold front is expected early Wednesday, cooling temperatures and causing scattered light rain showers. 

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