Grandmother’s Ashes Among Items Stolen in Reported San Angelo Storage Burglary


SAN ANGELO, TX — Numerous storage units at K.O. Storage on Green Meadow were reportedly burglarized, with a San Angelo LIVE! reader claiming a range of items stolen, from electronics and clothing to sentimental valuables.

However, efforts to confirm the incident with authorities and the storage facility have been unsuccessful.

One individual reported stolen items including a Star Wars collection, a laptop, a big-screen TV, computer monitors, toddler beds, children’s Hello Kitty shoes intended for Christmas, and adult clothing and shoes. The victim stated that a necklace containing their grandmother’s ashes was also taken.

Locks on units numbered 601 through 848 were reportedly broken or tampered with, according to the victim. The victim stated that police reports were filed, though attempts to confirm a case number with the San Angelo Police Department have not been successful.

Similarly, a call to K.O. Storage yielded no confirmation of the burglary.

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