San Angelo Pachyderm Club Hosts Free BBQ for Local Law Enforcement


SAN ANGELO, TX – The San Angelo Pachyderm Club is showing its appreciation for Tom Green County Sheriff’s deputies and constables by hosting a free barbecue dinner in their honor.

The “Khaki Christmas” event will take place Thursday, Dec. 12, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Community Hills Christian Church, located at 3309 Knickerbocker Rd. The evening will include a full BBQ dinner with sides, drinks, and dessert, as well as an opportunity for attendees to celebrate the hard work of local law enforcement.

Attendees might even catch a glimpse of Santa Claus during the festivities.

For more information, contact Trey Holmes at 325-276-2467.

San Angelo Pachyderm Club's Khaki Christmas

San Angelo Pachyderm Club's Khaki Christmas

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