SAN ANGELO, TX - Dr. Cody Scott, an Angelo State University alum and professor in the ASU Department of Agriculture, received the 2024 Outstanding Contribution to Rangeland Management Award at the recent annual meeting of the Texas Section, Society for Range Management (TSSRM) in Victoria.
According to TSSRM, a candidate for the award must meet the following criteria:
- Be actively engaged in ranching or livestock farming or in the professional fields dealing with range management.
- Be a recognized leader in range management, one that is accepted over at least a large segment of the state, if not statewide.
- Be interested in the promotion and advancement of the art and science of range management, and preferably, though not required, a member of TSSRM.
- Have made a contribution to the advancement of the art and science of range management that is worthy of special recognition.
An faculty member in the ASU Department of Agriculture since 1995, Scott is a professor of animal science and research scientist, and he has been an active member of TSSRM for over 30 years, including a term as president in 2015. He was named the TSSRM Outstanding Young Range Professional in 2007, won the Society for Range Management's Outstanding Young Range Professional International Award in 2008, and was named a Fellow of the TSSRM in 2019.
Four ASU agriculture students accompanied Scott to the TSSRM meeting. Jody Cope of San Angelo and Olivia Shelton of Liberty Hill, both natural resource management majors, competed in the Undergraduate Range Management Exam - with Cope finishing as the high-point individual and Shelton finishing third-high. Other competitors represented Texas A&M University, Texas A&M-Kingsville, Tarleton State University, Sul Ross State University, Texas Tech University and Southwest Texas College.
Additionally, ASU graduate ag students Kylie Waller of Blum and Garrett Horner of San Angelo both made research presentations at the meeting.
ASU alumni also headlined the meeting as Melissa Clary (Class of 2009) received the TSSRM Outstanding Young Range Professional Award, and Carrie Seiler (Class of 2007) was named a TSSRM Fellow and was elected as second vice president of the TSSRM Board. The incoming TSSRM president, James Jackson (Class of 2010 & 2012), and first vice president, Matthew Coffman (Class of 2007 & 2009), are also ASU alumni.
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