Man Agrees to Plea Deal for Stabbing at Cross Keys Apartment


SAN ANGELO, TX — A San Angelo man has agreed to take a plea deal for stabbing another man in the neck.

Steve Montemayor, 50, of San Angelo, has taken a plea deal for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after smoking marijuana and stabbing a man in the neck.

According to court documents, San Angelo police were dispatched to the 1200 block of South Abe Street in the early morning hours on October 19, 2021, regarding a subject with a knife.

Once officers arrived on scene, they observed a male subject holding the defendant, identified as Montemayor, on the ground. Officers then learned that a victim had been stabbed while he was trying to subdue Montemayor.

Montemayor was detained and placed in handcuffs.

About 20 minutes before the incident, officers learned that Montemayor had been banging on doors at the Cross Keys Apartments. When they arrived at that time, they could not locate Montemayor and left the location.

Officers then received a call to the same location shortly after regarding a subject, Montemayor, who was again banging on doors but now had a knife.

The victim advised that his girlfriend had called about Montemayor. He drove to the Cross Keys Apartments with some family members to check on his girlfriend. The victim confirmed that he spoke with officers the first time they were called.

As the victim was leaving, his girlfriend called him again and informed him that Montemayor had returned and was banging on the door again.

The victim got out of his car and went to confront Montemayor who now had a cane with him. He began swinging the cane at the victim which caused him to back up towards the street. Montemayor then produced a knife and stabbed the victim in the neck. The victim and his family members tackled Montemayor and held him down until San Angelo police arrived.

The victim had a nonlife-threatening knife wound and other scratches that was believed to have been caused by Montemayor. A knife had been recovered and seized from where Montemayor had been taken to the ground.

After police mirandized Montemayor, he agreed to speak with them. He stated that the victim and his family had “jumped” him and he admitted to drinking and taking pills earlier. He also said he was not acting in his right mind and denied stabbing anyone.

Montemayor gave police consent to search his apartment and when they entered, they observed four tall cans of alcoholic drinks and smelled the odor of burnt marijuana. Later, investigators learned that Montemayor had been smoking pot, according to another officer.

In exchange for a guilty plea, Montemayor will be sentenced to 12 years in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

The judge has not yet signed the plea.

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