Angelo State Mayer Museum Launches Monthly ‘Night at the Museum’ Educational Program


SAN ANGELO, TX - Angelo State University's Mayer Museum is introducing a new public program titled "Night at the Museum" that will feature family-friendly educational activities on the first Tuesday of every month starting on Oct. 1 in the Mayer Museum at 2501 W. Ave. N.

Each Night at the Museum event will run from 5 to 8 p.m. and is free and open to community members of all ages. A variety of ASU academic departments and student organizations, as well as additional community partners, will introduce participants to what is happening both on and off campus through various demonstrations and activities, including:

  • Virtual Reality tours
  • Engineering challenges
  • STEAM art projects
  • Interactive Mayer Museum exhibits
  • ASU student presentations

The first installment of the program on Oct. 1 will feature activities led by students, faculty and staff from ASU's biology, engineering, geoscience, and physics programs and student organizations, as well as STEAM art projects.

Subsequent Night at the Museum events will be offered on Tuesdays, Nov. 5 and Dec. 3.

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