Old Soldier Finally Gets His Central High Diploma


SAN ANGELO, TX — A San Angelo man who left high school in 1959 to join the U.S. Army, which eventually took him to Vietnam, was honored with his high school diploma in front of thousands at the San Angelo Central Bobcats vs. Belton Tigers football game on Sept. 20.

Mr. Manuel Gonzales received his diploma from San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees President, Taylor Kingman. Surrounded by school administration officials, including Superintendent Chris Moran, Mr. Gonzales was also presented with a letter jacket and certificates of recognition from both Rep. Drew Darby and Congressman August Pfluger’s office, represented by District Director Karin Kuykendall.

In addition, both Rep. Darby and Congressman Pfluger honored Mr. Gonzales with U.S. flags that had flown over the U.S. Capitol (courtesy of Pfluger) and the Texas Capitol in Austin (courtesy of Darby).

The San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees recognized Mr. Gonzales for his sacrifice and dedication to serving his nation during the Vietnam War. Mr. Gonzales would have graduated 65.5 years ago had he not enlisted in the U.S. Army.

Mr. Manuel Gonzales is with his wife, Amanda, and surrounded by his children and grandchildren for the presentation of his high school diploma.

Mr. Manuel Gonzales is with his wife, Amanda, and surrounded by his children and grandchildren for the presentation of his high school diploma.

School Board Trustee Ami Mizell-Flint (far left), Superintendent Chris Moran, San Angelo ISD administratos, State Rep. Drew Darby, and Rep. August Pfluger's District Director Karin Kuykendall (second from right), and VA official and Concho Calley veterans' advocate Luis Martinez (far right) watch as San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees President Dr. Taylor Kingman present Mr. Manuel Gonzales with a high school diploma.

School Board Trustee Ami Mizell-Flint (far left), Superintendent Chris Moran, San Angelo ISD administratos, State Rep. Drew Darby, and Rep. August Pfluger's District Director Karin Kuykendall (second from right), and VA official and Concho Calley veterans' advocate Luis Martinez (far right) watch as San Angelo ISD Board of Trustees President Dr. Taylor Kingman present Mr. Manuel Gonzales with a high school diploma.

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