SAN ANGELO, TX — A Christoval man has taken a plea deal for stealing over $50,000 and spending it on personal expenses.
According to court documents, Rance Millican, a co-owner of "Deep Blue Pools," agreed to a plea deal after the victim paid him to build a pool. On December 11, 2023, the victim filed a report with the Tom Green County Sheriff’s Office alleging that he signed a contract with Rance and Tanya Millican, owners of Deep Blue Pools, to construct a swimming pool on the victim’s property.
The victim made the initial deposit of $52,638 and the pool construction was supposed to begin in October 2022. Tanya Millican personally came out to the victim’s property and conducted some measurements to help decide how to build the structure.
On December 11, 2023, the day the victim filed the report, construction on the swimming pool still had not begun. The victim reported that the Millicans had never even been back to the property. The two made several excuses over the months since the measurements were taken and in January 2023, they cut all communications with the victim.
The contract that was signed was provided and the Millicans were sent a "Demand Letter" and a "Breach of Contract Letter."
The victim also filed a civil lawsuit against Rance and Tanya to try and recover his deposit money on $52,638. The Millicans filed an "Answer to the lawsuit" which stated, “We will contact plaintiffs and try to resolve this.”
In an interview with investigators, the victim said he had spoken to Rance over the phone in May 2023. He demanded his money back and Rance said he did not have it anymore as “unexpected expenses” came up.
Investigators submitted a grand jury subpoena to Prosperity Bank for bank records. The bank provided records for a checking account named “DBA Deep Blue Pools” with Rance listed as the account owner.
The records showed $52,638 deposited into the account on September 12, 2022, and after that date, numerous personal withdrawals were taken from the account. Those include HEB, credit card payments, cash withdrawals, Wal-Mart, Applebee’s, and Buffalo Wild Wings. In December 2022, the bank account had a negative balance of $1,720 and was closed.
In exchange for a guilty plea, Rance Millican was sentenced to two years deferred adjudication, with credit for time served, and must pay $52,638 in restitution.
Tanya Millican, the co-defendant, is due in court on September 16, 2024.
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