Texas Civil War Museum to Close, Artifacts to be Sold


WHITE SETTLEMENT, TX — The Texas Civil War Museum, located west of Fort Worth, announced it will permanently close its doors on Oct. 31.

Following its closure, a portion of the museum’s collection will be sold, according to museum officials.

Opened in 2006, the museum houses what is considered the largest collection of Civil War artifacts west of the Mississippi River. Owned by North Texas oilman Ray Richey and his wife, Judy, the museum features a variety of Civil War relics, including items from the Texas Confederate Museum in Austin, which closed previously.

The Richey family curated much of the collection, with Judy Richey overseeing a Victorian-era dress exhibit.

The museum confirmed that the items for sale will be handled by "The Horse Soldier Antiques," a Gettysburg, Pennsylvania-based consigner. However, items that belong to the Daughters of the Confederacy will not be included in the sale.

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CGM5, Sat, 09/07/2024 - 09:57

Whether it was the Muslim slave traders buying and selling whites in Africa or the whites buying and selling blacks, both were horribly wrong. However, it is said "Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it".


I've interacted with some Woke black supremacists online and in person, and they seem to be convinced that the original people on every continent of the Earth were black, and that Europe's leaders and geniuses were actually black. Logically, then, the entire system that they are fighting against must have been perpetrated by black and black descended people, and must have been in existence since the black pharaohs of Egypt invented slavery and put the flaxen haired Israelites into bondage.

In the alternate universe of this particular comic book, the War of Northern Aggression must have actually been a scrappy attempt at self defense by salt of the Earth southerners against Northern domination and disregard for property rights (socialism) that was fought by the people that these divine blacks put in charge of menial accounting and administrative tasks that they found too burdensome after ages of unchallenged domination of the Earth.

That being the case, the real fight for equality isn't against "white supremacy," but against the ancient black Annunaki masters of the world who are attempting to regain dominion of their slave planet.


CGM5, Sat, 09/07/2024 - 12:44

I have my own thoughts about the skin pigment of different people. Over hundreds of generations the people that live closest to the equator have evolved with darker skin to help protect them from the intensity of the sun. The farther away from the equator the lighter the skin. I think that may hold true with eye color also. There are studies on that but I haven't looked into it much. As far as war, I'm not sure any war was ever fought for only one reason. Well, maybe the Trojans trying to keep Helen. 

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