Teen Suspect Charged After Shooting NFL Wide Receiver


SAN FRANCISCO, CA— The teen suspect who allegedly shot San Francisco 49ers rookie wide receiver Ricky Pearsall has been officially charged.

Over the weekend, Pearsall, the 2024 first round draft pick of the San Francisco 49ers, was shot in the chest in an attempted robbery. San Francisco District Attorney Brook Jenkins said in a statement:

I am grateful to the San Francisco Police Department, Fire Department and medical staff at San Francisco General Hospital for their efforts this weekend in response to the shooting at Union Square.

We owe a debt of gratitude to our first responders who work tirelessly to keep us safe every day. I am also glad to hear that the victim in this case is recovering well and in good spirits. My office will work closely with him and his family throughout the pendency of this case as he works to move past this traumatic event.

My office is committed to fair and ethical prosecutions. This case will be tried like all other cases, in the courtroom, not in the press. We will follow the facts, evidence and the law to do our jobs to seek justice.

The minor arrested by police in connection to an armed robbery and shooting in Union Square on August 31, 2024, is charged with multiple felony counts including attempted murder, assault with a semiautomatic firearm, and attempted second-degree robbery.

The minor is schedules to be arraigned on September 4, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. at the Juvenile Justice Center located at 375 Woodside Avenue in Department 3. Because of the public safety risk posed, prosecutors will seek to have the minor held in custody.

Any determination regarding transfer of a juvenile case to adult court would require a fitness hearing pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code section 707.

According to reports, 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 31, Pearsall was walking to his vehicle and was targeted by the teen suspect for his “expensive watch”. After a struggle, Pearsall was shot in the chest and the suspect was shot in the arm. Pearsall’s mother said her son’s injury did not hit any vital organs and he has been released from the hospital.

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