Angelo State to Present Free Public Art Exhibit Featuring Abstract Landscapes


SAN ANGELO, TX - Angelo State University will present a free public art exhibit by Winter Rusiloski, an associate professor of art at Baylor University, starting Monday, Aug. 26, in the Carr Education-Fine Arts (EFA) Building, 2602 Dena Drive.

Titled "Retrospect: Maternal Line Passage," the exhibit of Rusiloski's abstract paintings and mixed-media prints will be displayed in the Carr EFA Building's Gallery 193 and will be open for free public viewing on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Oct. 4.

Rusiloski creates oil-on-canvas paintings, as well as mixed-media works that incorporate photography collaged on canvas that is integrated with paint. Many of her works are of the remote, untouched landscape of Terlingua Ranch and the Big Bend of Texas. Photo documentation of the space is often collaged into the paintings to introduce a varied visual vocabulary.

"I began painting with influences from my birthplace in northeastern Pennsylvania," Rusiloski said. "My work transitioned as I moved and traveled throughout the U.S. and Europe. My identity as a mother and a focus on sublime landscapes inform my work of the last 16 years. Being a mother of six children heightens the power and play through which I see the landscape. It's vastness and the horizon combine with abstract forms, atmospheric passages, lines and marks to suggest ideas of obstacles, barriers and opportunities. Abstraction creates loose narratives from memories and suggestive figurative elements within a Romantic landscape."

A native of Wilkes-Barre, Penn., Rusiloski holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting and related arts-dance from Kutztown University and a Master of Fine Arts in painting from Texas Christian University. She has also studied abroad in Italy and Hungary. She joined the Baylor University art faculty in 2016.

Rusiloski's abstracted landscapes have been included in numerous solo exhibitions across the U.S., as well as national and international juried exhibitions. Her art is also included in many public and private collections in the U.S. and internationally, and she has won multiple awards. Examples of her work are available on her Baylor University website.

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