No More Overnight Camping at Mineral Wells Crossing


SAN ANGELO, TX — Tom Green County has several parks outside the San Angelo city limits, many of which suffer from overuse and an insufficient annual budget for maintenance. Precinct 4 Commissioner Shawn Nanny has moved to impose more restrictions on Mineral Wells Crossing Park, located off U.S. 277 at Mineral Wells Road, just north of Christoval, to better preserve the park.

Nanny's advocacy for increased restrictions focuses on safety and preservation. He explained that residents living west of the low-water crossing depend on the roadway to access their homes and land.

"When you have hundreds of people camping and fishing — for instance, fishing off the low-water bridge — it creates a hazard for year-round residents on the other side of the crossing," Nanny said.

Nanny also emphasized that the park's natural beauty is threatened by overuse. He expressed particular concern about overnight camping with large RVs.

"It's just not conducive to overnight RV camping," Nanny said. He added that RV and tent camping remain available at two other parks in his precinct: Pugh Park, located off FM 2084 (Toe Nail Trail) across from Christoval High School, and Foster Park, located off FM 2335 at Spring Creek. Nanny noted that both parks have much more acreage than Mineral Wells Crossing Park.

As of yesterday, the Commissioners' Court approved an amendment to the Parks Rules & Regulations to prohibit overnight camping. The rule is effective June 29. Violators can be charged with a Class C misdemeanor, which carries a fine not to exceed $500. The sheriff and constables will enforce the law at the county parks.

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