San Angelo Teen in Need of Stem Cell Donor


SAN ANGELO, TX – A blood stem cell donor drive will be held to find a donor for an 18-year-old recent graduate of Central High School who was diagnosed with B-cell leukemia in April.

The 18-year-old is Carlie Jo, and she is receiving support from "Earl Young’s Team," a Dallas-based nonprofit that is collaborating with the San Angelo community, including Carlie Jo’s family and friends, to organize the event. 

The drive aims to find a matching donor for Carlie Jo and others battling blood cancer. Carlie Jo is an active member of the PaulAnn Youth Group and a frequent soloist at her church. She plans to attend the prenursing program at Texas Tech after intensive treatment.

A blood stem cell transplant is her best chance to continue her plans and achieve a "regular" college life. However, she does not have a perfectly matching donor within her family and must rely on a stranger for a life-saving transplant.

The donor drive is open to individuals aged 18-55 in good health and will take place at Central High School’s cafeteria, located at 655 Caddo Street, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on June 22. 

The registration process is free and quick. It involves learning about the donation process, reviewing medical eligibility, filling out a form, and swabbing the inside of the cheeks.

Currently, only 2% of Americans are registered as potential donors, resulting in only 40% of patients finding a match. Seventy percent of patients with blood-related cancers and diseases rely on unrelated donors for a second chance at life.

Carlie Jo's plight was adopted by Olympic gold medalist Earl Young, who recruits stem cell and bone marrow donors and raises awareness of blood cancer across the nation. You can become a part of Earl Young's team and help Carlie Jo find her match. You just might be the one person who can save her life. 

For more information, visit

Carlie Jo

Carlie Jo

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