Downtown Drunk Driver Downs a Power Pole


SAN ANGELO, TX — Police said a drunk driver rammed a power pole near the downtown fire station at around 10 p.m. Saturday night. The result was a live wire laid on the ground across the parking lot of People Ready on 1st Street.

The corner of N. Koenigheim St. and W 1st St. have men and equipment working on the downed power line.

The good news is that Ladder 1 and crew only had to drive 50 feet to get to the crash scene as the crash happened next to the downtown fire station.

Downtown Drunk Driver Downs a Power Pole

Downtown Drunk Driver Downs a Power Pole

Downtown Drunk Driver Downs a Power Pole

Downtown Drunk Driver Downs a Power Pole

Downtown Drunk Driver Downs a Power Pole

Downtown Drunk Driver Downs a Power Pole

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