UIL Approves Postseason Split Divisions for Multiple High School Sports


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The University Interscholastic League (UIL) Legislative Council met Tuesday to discuss and decide on proposed rule changes across UIL academics, athletics, music, and policy.

One significant amendment passed by the council introduces split divisions in the postseason for several sports, including volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball, and baseball. This adjustment affects the playoff structure for 2A-6A volleyball, softball, and baseball, 4A-6A soccer, and 1A-6A basketball. The new structure will create two state championship brackets for these conferences, similar to the current format used in the 6A football championship.

San Angelo Central Lady Cats Soccer in action versus Timber Creek

San Angelo Central Lady Cats Soccer in action versus Timber Creek

(San Angelo LIVE! Photo/Ryan Chadwick)

The amendment stipulates that all schools will remain in their assigned districts according to the 2024-26 alignment. The Standing Committee on Athletics recommended this change, which will take effect on August 1, 2024, pending approval by the Commissioner of Education.

This is big news for several Concho Valley schools, including the Central Bobcats, Lake View Chiefs, and Wall Hawks. Central and Lake View will feel this change most in their soccer seasons. Meanwhile, the Hawks will likely no longer play their playoff rivals, the Brock Eagles, in the playoffs. These proposed amendments might eventually affect how district re-alignment shakes out with our 2A and 3A schools in sports like basketball in the future.

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