Angelo State Hosts Art Exhibit by Water Valley Artist Society


SAN ANGELO, TX — Angelo State University is hosting a group art exhibition by the Water Valley Artist Society through Aug. 9 in the Carr Education-Fine Arts (EFA) Building at 2602 Dena Drive on the ASU campus.

Titled "Convergence," the exhibit is open for free public viewing from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays in the Carr EFA Building's Gallery 193. It includes a variety of art pieces, from drawings, paintings, and prints to mixed-media paintings and sculptures.

"In the Moment" - by Bailey Voss

"In the Moment" - by Bailey Voss

(Credit: Angelo State University)

The Water Valley Artist Society is made up of junior high and high school artists in the Water Valley Independent School District. The purpose of the exhibition is to share the art programs' multi-level approaches to making art and to further the content and conversation concerning the artworks to the surrounding community.

"Convergence" is essentially the fusion of process and content to unify the art with its viewer. The program's art instructor, Christopher Voss, curated the exhibition at the invitation of Randy Hall, professor of art and coordinator of the ASU art program. The exhibition is being juried by John Vinklarek, ASU professor of art.

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