Reducing Crime Within My First 100 Days


PAID POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT — I have served in the San Angelo Police Department for 33.5 years. I love it. With your help, I’ll spend the last phase of my career serving as police chief, and I’m excited to help the next generation of officers prepare to provide an ever-safer future for San Angelo.

Lt. Mike Hernandez, flanked by 21 current and retired San Angelo police officers and local law enforcement leaders unveiled his action plan for the first 100 days of his administration should he be elected.

Lt. Mike Hernandez, flanked by 21 current and retired San Angelo police officers and local law enforcement leaders unveiled his action plan for the first 100 days of his administration should he be elected.

To help you cast your vote with confidence, I want to share with you some of my plans for my first 100 days in this critical job. My experience makes a difference. I will be able to institute simple yet effective strategies right away: strategies to produce rapid results without relying on money we don’t have.

One such strategy is, “Operation Spotlight”. We have individuals methodically prowling San Angelo neighborhoods at night, checking car doors and stealing any valuables they can get their hands on. In my initiative, late night patrol officers will be proactively looking for people on foot, wearing clothing that can conceal their identity and carrying packs with which to transport stolen items. We will not search or detain anyone unless there is legal cause. However, we will make contact, ask for their ID, and make note of them. We need these individuals to be painfully aware that we are watching them, and we know who they are. Intense scrutiny is the best deterrent to crime. It’s a strategy I have worked with in the past for gang activity, and it works. Let’s turn on the light and make them scatter.

This ties in to a security video initiative, in which we want to partner with you! I believe that the new prevalence of web based camera systems can be a great opportunity for Crime Analytics. While we can’t currently afford to install city wide “CCTV” like they utilize in many parts of Europe, we can adapt their techniques and apply them to data provided by homeowners. I will have an online portal added to our website specifically for you to upload your videos of trespassers, suspicious activity, and especially of individuals attempting or committing a crime. Our crime analysts will take a more formal approach to cataloguing and analyzing this footage. We can use it to find patterns for crime prevention and provide supporting materials for arrests and convictions.

I don’t have to tell you that auto insurance costs are soaring. Law abiding drivers pay more and more while irresponsible drivers are just less likely to pay for coverage. We are not utilizing our legal ability to maximize the repercussions for ignoring this law. I want to work with the City Council to create, adopt, and implement an Uninsured Motorist Ordinance. Under this ordinance, uninsured drivers stopped or involved in an accident can have their vehicles towed and impounded at their expense. Many other Texas cities already have such an ordinance. Odessa adopted a UMO last year, in response to estimates that 40% of Permian Basin drivers were uninsured. Let’s address this problem in our city right now— before the problem gets that bad.

School safety is a priority for my first 100 days, as it has been throughout my career. I spent 25 years as a Campus Resource Officer, and have taught countless readiness courses to educators. I have seen the importance of positive interaction between law enforcement, faculty and students, and how it benefits our school campuses and our streets. In my administration you will see a proactive cooperation between SAPD and San Angelo’s public and private schools.

I also appreciate the absolute importance of our businesses. From “Mom and Pop” shops to the large scale construction sites, business relies on a secure community to thrive. Business owners can expect to have my attention as well.

What the next administration does internally is equally important for San Angelo’s best interests. Our manpower shortage is very real and the aftermath of these chiefs’ elections could easily make it worse.

With this in mind, I understand that the zeal officers bring to these campaigns is the same zeal with which they care about the department and our community. I appreciate that their livelihoods are in the balance. In every way I can, I will demonstrate to my opponents and their supporters that they remain honored and integral members of the SAPD family.

Rather than a resentful heart, I will keep an open mind, with an ear to the ideas, concerns and frustrations that motivated them to get involved.

Many of you know me. If we didn’t grow up together, we could have met in your neighborhood, at an event, a ball game, at your kids’ school, at your school….the list goes on. That’s because I believe police officers are more effective when they are visible and familiar to the people they serve. That applies twice as much for your Police Chief. So, I will attend community meetings and make myself available to the public — in particular, school board and city council meetings — whenever possible. I will be available to the press. I will certainly remain available to you. That personal interaction is the part of my career I love the most. I’ll be no different if you entrust me to be your next Chief of Police.

I’d sincerely appreciate your vote in the runoff, and I thank you so much for your prayers and support.

Lt. Mike Hernandez

Paid Political Ad, Lt. Mike Hernandez for San Angelo Police Chief, Mike Boyd Treasurer

About the photo above: Lt. Mike Hernandez flanked by 21 San Angelo Police Officers, retired officers, and law enforcement leaders as he announces his plans for the first 100 days of his administration on May 31, 2024. The election is June 15. Early voting begins Monday, June 3, 2024.

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