Confirmed Tornado in Midland


MIDLAND, TX - A confirmed tornado is currently moving southeast through Midland County along FM1788, according to the National Weather Service.  

A tornado watch is in effect in the area until 11 p.m.

The tornado from the tarmac at the Midland International Airport. The picture was taken just before 5:30 p.m.

Those areas under the watch in Midland include the Permian Basin, Lower Trans Pecos, and Lea County. 

These storms are capable of producing damaging winds, a “few tornadoes,” and “giant hail.” 


NWS is asking those in the area to ensure weather alerts are on everyone's smart devices and to have multiple ways to receive warnings. 

Have a severe weather plan in place, and know where to go and what to do if severe weather strikes, NWS asks. 

We also reported that a tornado Watch has been issued for the western portions of the Concho Valley, including San Angelo, and the Northern Edwards Plateau.

This is also in effect until 11 p.m. 

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