Troubled High School Superintendent Found Dead of Suicide


SEAGRAVES- The Seagraves Superintendent who was arrested for invasive visual recording on Monday has been found dead of a suicide.

Lubbock County Sheriff Deputies were called to the 8600 block of FM 2378 at 10:15 a.m. Friday and located 43-year-old Joshua Niel Goen deceased with a single self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Goen posted bond while the case was pending.

Earlier this week, Goen was arrested for invasive visual recording after he was seen on security video entering a girls locker room and on a digital recording device set up to record inside the locker room.

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Jeez guys, I get the sentiment.  But you are very wrong.  Harkening and enjoying the death of someone is really bad karma.  Much less, this guy was far from a pedophile.  Pedophile means attraction to ages of 10 or less.  High school chicks are far from children.  In fact, 16 years old is legal in some states of this union.  Just sayin'......if you had an attraction to your fellow H.S. female classmates STILL have that attraction.  Unless you are a eunich.....or changed your gender....

He was taking upskirt photos of minors. That's definitely predator behavior. NOBODY does that shit on accident or out of curiosity.

So you'd be ok with a middle-aged man taking photos of, or banging your teen daughter?  You'd be ok doing that to someone else's daughter? That's a good way to catch a swift exit from the face of this planet if you ask me.

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