Texas High School Superintendent Arrested for Invasive Visual Recording


SEAGRAVES- A high school superintendent was arrested for invasive visual record after a device was discovered inside a girl’s locker room.

Seagraves School Superintendant Joshua Niel Goen, 43, was arrested on Monday and after a digital recording device was found and removed from a visiting girl’s locker room in November. School security video was viewed and, in the footage, Goen entered the locker room from the hall but was not seen leaving. After, the same camera showed a girls’ basketball team arriving

The recording device, which was found in the locker room, and three videos were examined. The first showed an empty locker room and the second showed a girls’ team entering the room. The third was interrupted after the device had been unplugged.

The arrest warrant reveals that Goen was positively identified by an FBI Special Agent and documents that the recording device was placed in the changing room with the intent to record individuals without their consent.

Goen was informed of the investigation on November 22, 2022 and was placed on administrative leave on November 28, 2022. He was arrested on December 5, 2022.

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Superintendant of schools, a respected and trusted position, stooping to this sick, perverted low, deserves the harshest of penalties. 

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