Driver Crashes into Pole, Hits Parked Truck at Main and Koberlin


The smell of citrusy carpet cleaner lingers on the air at the intersection of Koberlin and Main St., where a Chevy Express van was involved in a wreck at around 6:30 p.m.

Officers at the scene said that the van was traveling southbound on Main when the driver fell asleep and hit a pole before crashing into a parked truck and coming to a stop in the intersection. 

"I was inside the Family Dollar and I heard the impact," a witness at the scene said. "When I came outside, there was a white service van--an Art's Carpet Cleaning service van--it's all smashed up. There were some good samaritans that helped the driver of the van out of the back window."

The driver of the van was injured in the crash and was transported to Shannon Medical Center for a wrist injury. No one was in the parked Ford F-150. The van driver was issued a citation for unsafe speed. 

The intersection is currently closed to through traffic in all directions. The cashier at Family Dollar said she has witnessed at least four wrecks at the intersection since the city initiated a phase-out study on the traffic light roughly a month ago, at which point the light was set to only flash red. 


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This was just one more of a hundred idiotic decisions some idiot in the city has made to make that light flash red. I drive up and down Main street daily and am constantly stopping and going from this light. I can't count the number of times I've then come up to a "REAL" traffic light that is red and almost took off after coming to a stop......

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