OPINION — The people of San Angelo are for the most part kind, generous, and honorable people. I have never seen a community that is more thoughtful of others. Especially those who are weak and at risk. So it is a little surprising to me that there is any opposition to the ordinance to make San Angelo a Sanctuary City for the Unborn. Providing a wall of protection for those who are the weakest among us.
In some cases, when an abortion is performed the mother dies. This is not like getting your ears pierced. But even though death to the mother is rare the baby dies every time. 100% of the babies die.
Pew Research reports that 600,000 babies die every year by abortion. Some will say these are not persons yet. Until Roe was overturned, these babies were not protected by any law. How do you determine personhood? Throughout history mankind has used several standards. Some races of people were not considered human. Other times mental capacity was the standard. Now some attempt to make an arbitrary date from conception the standard.
We have been called theologically arrogant for our beliefs. It seems to me that it is pretty arrogant to say that we know more than God. Many times in the Bible God refers to the pre-born as human; sometimes calling them by name.
When a terrorist or murderer is caught he gets a trial. We still claim we are one nation under God. We have put in place many barriers to protect the accused. We don’t lynch him or drag him out to stone him without a trial. No, we are God fearing people. We make sure an accused murderer’s rights are preserved. We make sure he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. So it is actually pretty hard to execute a murderer. This is good.
But for an unwanted child there are few barriers to protect his or her life. This is why passing this ordinance is so important.
On November 8, voters who are registered to vote inside the city limits of San Angelo will have the option to vote for against an ordinance that will disallow all abortions in San Angelo. Passing the ordinance will make San Angelo a "Sanctuary City for the Unborn." I urge everyone to vote FOR the ordinance. We need to put guard rails up to protect life in San Angelo.
Paul Shero
Pastor, Southgate Church of Christ
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Mr.Shero and Mr. Watkins.
I can not believe how having this ordiance will be good for all of San Angelo. There are so many what if's that come to mind. First off you said some women die from abortions and yes they do, BUT ALSO some mothers die giving birth and so if your gonna spit out "info" like that at least tell the whole truth. Next by pushing your believes on every women in San Angelo now and in the future you have put their lives in jeopardy, and the child she will give birth to. I hope you have lots of room and both your houses because you have just condemned some of these children to a life full of hate, abuse, sexual assault, being born to drug additced mothers, homeless women and possibly live long disabilitys because of insest. But by goody those poor momma's and baby's who are now on welfare are just great because they did not have a choice as to terminate the unwated pregnancy. I want to know how many of both of you and you your friends plan on having a foster children and/or adopt them? I know NOT A DAM ONE!!!!. I think maybe San Angelo can follow Governor Abbott's pan. We will load of the babies that are born to teenage mother, drug babies, children coved in busies and sores, the starved, etc.... Open your door cause they are coming to your house for you to take care off.
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