Howard College to Offer 3-Day STEM Camp for High School Students


In June, Howard College is offering a unique summer camp tailored for upcoming high school sophomore and junior students! The three-day program will provide students the opportunity for hands-on exploration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) through various activities.

The camp is completely free (including transportation). The camps will be held on the Howard College campus in San Angelo from June 4-6 and in Big Spring from June 11-13. San Angelo participants will be housed in the ASU dorms; Big Spring participants will be housed in Howard College dorms on campus.

Students will spend time with other students who enjoy STEM activities while experiencing college life. Each camp is limited to 25 students. The registration deadline is May 15.

For more information or to register for the camp, contact Lenny Christo, Howard College STEM Activity Director at 325-481-8300 ext. 2468 or [email protected].


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