Smoke from Car Fire Observed for Miles Around San Angelo


A car fire south of San Angelo in the 7200 block of Ratliff Road had the Pecan Creek and Wall Volunteer Fire Departments busy Thursday afternoon. The car that was ablaze was on private property, situated near a structure and a stack of pallets. The property owners managed to extinguish the pallet fire, but the car kept burning until the VFDs arrived.

The Tom Green County Sheriff’s deputy at the scene said that the fire didn’t appear suspicious so far, just an accident or natural occurring incident.

A car fire south of San Angelo on April 30, 2015. (LIVE! Photo/John Basquez)

The fire caused a column of smoke to be seen from miles around.

No one was injured and the 911 dispatch to the fire departments happened just after 1:15 p.m. The fire was out by 2;15 p.m.

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