LUBBOCK- The Lubbock Police Department has arrested three individuals for child abandonment or neglect after a toddler was discovered outside in 100-degree heat in their underwear.
According to LPD, officers responded to an apartment complex at 4500 block of Ironton Avenue after a staff member said a small child was outside. In the police report, it says the child walked across the “extremely hot pavement” of the parking lot without shoes on.
The child was discovered by the complex gate outside crying, and this was not the first time the child had been found outside.
Staff at the complex said the vehicles associated with the apartment were not at the complex and the residents were likely not home.
Officers did find that the door to the apartment was unlocked and inside there was trash and fecal matter on the wall. A dog was found with a small bowl of water on the balcony. There was not shelter for the dog and a substantial amount of dog feces were scattered around. The smoke detectors had also been removed from the apartment.
Katherine Carrillo came to the complex at 6:30 p.m. She told officers that she went to work at 8:00 a.m. and left her child in the care of her roommates, Almazen Abdel and Muhannah Ayman Abdel.
When one of the roommates returned to the apartments and was detained by officers. He stated that he and the other roommate would lock the deadbolts on the patio door, the front door, and leave the child unattended.
The roommate was arrested and asked if he could get his cellphone from his vehicle. The officer went to shut the vehicle off and when they opened the console, they found the key fob and three bags of cocaine.
The third resident arrived at the complex at 7:00 p.m. and was arrested.
Carrillo, Almazen Abdel, Muhannah Ayman Abdel were all arrested and booked into the Lubbock County Detention Facility.
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